Directory of all Bachelor Modules
Module Number Module Title ECTS Type of Module
Last offered Planned for Frequency Language of instruction
Assigned Study Areas Lecturer

Module Number

Module Title

Mathematics for Computer Science 1: Analysis
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Topics include fundamentals (mathematical reasoning; sets; mappings and relations; natural numbers), real numbers, sequences and series, limits and growth of functions, differential and integral calculus, Taylor expansion.


The students know the basics of calculus, which are an important prerequisite in all areas of computer science. They have the ability for formally correct (mathematical) argumentation and representation. By working in small practice groups, the students have the ability to work on problems together and to critically evaluate other students' solutions. By dealing with strictly formal content and tools, argumentative accuracy is developed and stamina is strengthened.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Dorn, Eckstein
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024

Module Number

Module Title

Mathematics for Computer Science 2: Linear Algebra
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Topics include algebra (groups, rings, fields, polynomial rings, coset, and Lagrange's theorem) and linear algebra (vector spaces, linear mappings and their matrix representations, rank of a matrix, base changes, orthonormal bases, systems of linear equations and their solution using the Gaussian algorithm, determinants, eigenvectors and eigenvalues, orthogonal and symmetric matrices


Students gain knowledge of algebraic structures and linear algebra and their applications in computer science. They are able to reason about abstract algebraic structures and correctly apply the methods and algorithms of linear algebra to solve systems of linear equations and describe geometric facts. After this module, students have confidence in formally correct mathematical reasoning and its presentation.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Dorn, Markwig
Literature / Other


Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025

Module Number

Module Title

Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Elements of programming, case distinctions and branching, composite and mixed data, programming with accumulators, higher-order functions, interactive programs, recursive data structures and recursive functions, pattern matching, designing programs, draft recipes, reduction semantics, and program equivalence.


Students know design instructions for the systematic design of computer programs and can use them appropriately. They know the characteristics of the functional paradigm and can assess its strengths and limitations. They can structure problems, describe them abstractly and then develop programs in a disciplined process. They can present their results in a comprehensible manner and explain details of their solution path explain their solution in technical terminology.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Grust, Ostermann
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024

Module Number

Module Title

Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Modeling of data, class concept, composition and union of class references, class hierarchies, object-oriented modeling and programming, methods and parameter passing, encapsulation of data, abstract classes, visibility and access rights, imperative methods, GUI programming, debugging


The students know methods and tools of object-oriented modeling and programming and can use them appropriately. They know the characteristics of stateful programming and understand the necessity of encapsulating the state of objects. Students can implement and test basic computer science algorithms and data structures using imperative and object-oriented programming methods. In addition, students can effectively locate and correct errors in programs. They are prepared to effectively apply their programming skills in subsequent larger projects.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Brachthäuser, Pons-Moll
Literature / Other


Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025

Module Number

Module Title

Practical Computer Science 3: Software Engineering
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

The module covers the topics of introduction to software engineering, software project management, software process models, requirements management, programming at scale, API and library design, distributed and concurrent software systems, module concept, version control, software quality (especially test processes and software metrics as well as program analyses), design by Contract, design patterns, code reviews, SCRUM.


Competencies: Students can name the essential areas of software engineering and classify them in the context of a software development project; they can use established software development tools in a targeted manner; they are able to perform basic quality assurance such as automated tests; they can design and implement software systems using basic object-oriented and functional design patterns.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1110 Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming,

INFM1120 Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming
Lecturer Brachthäuser, Ostermann
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025

Module Number

Module Title

Technical Computer Science 1: Digital Technology
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

This course provides students with the basic knowledge that is required to design and understand digital circuits. First, the so-called logic- and register-transfer-design is introduced and the topics Boolean algebra, switching algebra, combinational circuits, conjunctive and disjunctive minimal forms, flip-flops (RS, JK, D, T, etc.), circuit analysis and synthesis, digital standard components, memory structures (RAM, ROM, EPROM, Flash) and programmable logic (PLA, FPGA) are deepened. Subsequently, the physical fundamentals of the functioning and application of passive components (resistors, capacitors, coils) as well as semiconductor components (diodes, transistors) are discussed and the realizations in various semiconductor technologies are dealt with.


Students possess basic competencies in computer engineering. They know formal and programming language circuit description as well as the structure and function of all important basic circuits and arithmetic units. The students acquire the competence to design, analyze and optimize digital circuits independently. They will be able to use tools for hardware design as well as for the evaluation of characteristic properties such as power consumption.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Bringmann, Zell
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Mathematics for Computer Science 3: Advanced Topics
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Topics include multidimensional analysis, Fourier series, optimization (extreme value problems under constraints, Lagrange multipliers, algorithms in discrete and continuous optimization), topics from discrete mathematics such as number theory with applications in cryptology.


Students gain knowledge in multidimensional analysis, number theory and their application in cryptology and optimization. After this module, they are able to establish relationships between different mathematical subfields and to name their significance for computer science.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1010 Mathematics for Computer Science 1: Analysis,

INFM1020 Mathematics for Computer Science 2: Linear Algebra
Lecturer Dorn, Levina
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM, INFM, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM

Module Number

INF2021 (BIOINFM2021)
Module Title

Mathematics for Computer Science 4: Stochastics (Stochastics)
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Topics include probability spaces, random variables, distributions, Independence, Law of Large Numbers, Central Limit Theorem, Stochastic Processes, Stochastic Models, Sampling, and Estimating & Testing.


Students receive basic knowledge in probability theory and statistics. They are able to describe and analyze simple random phenomena mathematically. They are able to apply basic stochastic methods in computer science (e.g. bioinformatics, randomized algorithms).

Prerequisite for participation INFM1010 Mathematics for Computer Science 1: Analysis,

INFM1020 Mathematics for Computer Science 2: Linear Algebra
Lecturer Teufl
Literature / Other

Georgii, H.-O.: Stochastik, de Gruyter; Krengel, U.: Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik, Vieweg;

Wolff, M., Hauck, P. und Küchlin, W.: Mathematik für Informatik und Bioinformatik, Springer

Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM, INFM2020, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

INF2022 (MAT-95-41)
Module Title

Mathematics for Computer Science 4: Numerics (Numerics)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Topics include interpolation and approximation, numerical integration, numerical differentiation, systems of linear equations, compensatory calculus, and numerical treatment of nonlinear equations. Note: If a separate course is not offered to computer science students, participation in the first two-thirds of the course Numerics offered in the Department of Mathematics is considered equivalent. In this case the exam will only refer to this part.


Students gain knowledge of basic numerical methods. They are able to analyze algorithms of numerical mathematics, in particular with respect to error propagation and stability, and to implement them.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1010 Mathematics for Computer Science 1: Analysis,

INFM1020 Mathematics for Computer Science 2: Linear Algebra
Lecturer wechselnde Dozenten
Literature / Other

Literatur wird in den jeweiligen Veranstaltungen bekannt gegeben.

Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas INFM2020, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Practical Computer Science 4: Team Project
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

The module covers the topics introduction to software engineering, programming on a large scale, project organization, module concept, design by contract, tender specification vs. performance specification , design patterns (observer, model-view- controller, adapter, proxy), events and messages, code reviews, unit tests and project documentation. The specified competencies are acquired in specialized courses. Thus, the achieved grade is included in the final bachelor grade.


Students know methods and techniques for the design and programming of complex software in a team and are able to use them appropriately and professionally in practice. They can present their own contributions to the overall project clearly and competently and react flexibly to necessary changes. In addition, they can organize their project independently and determine the progress of the project. Students have also acquired the following competencies: presenting, organizing, communicating, problem-solving skills, and critical questioning.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1110 Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming,

INFM1120 Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming,

INFM2111 Practical Computer Science 3: Software Engineering
Lecturer Brachthäuser
Literature / Other


Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2024

Module Number

Module Title

Technical Computer Science 2: Computer Science and Computing Systems Architecture
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

The basic lecture provides an overview of the following five areas: Internet, Coding, Assembly Programming, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems and Power Supply. In all 5 areas, a basic system view is provided. The following topics are covered in the 5 areas:
Internet: Protocol layers and basic structure of the Internet
Coding: number representations and character encoding, source encoding, channel encoding, line encoding;
Assembler programming: basics, calling subroutines in assembler, using the stack, program translation and execution, (impact of) compiler optimization;
Computer architecture: Instruction Set Architecture, Application Binary Interface ,Structure of computers, Moore's Law, basic performance considerations; Von Neumann architecture, CISC/RISC architectures
Operating systems: Processor structure, pipelining, hazards, exceptions; memory technologiesand hierarchy, locality principles, caches, processes and process management, structure and operation of virtual memory, Translation-Lookaside Buffer (TLB), cache coherence with multiple processors,user/kernel mode; structure of storage media, failover, RAIDs; Virtual Machines, advantages of virtualization, virtualization methods, Virtual LAN (VLAN); I/O devices, handshaking protocols for buses, parallel and serial buses, PCI, USB, control of I/O devices by the processor,data exchange between I/O devices and main memory, Direct MemoryAccess (DMA), advanced topics in operating systems;Energy supply:Climate change, quantitative comparison of CO2 emissions,power grids, energy markets, energy transition, power/heat coupling, demand-side management.


The students know basics in the areas of Internet, coding, assembly language programming, computer architecture, operating systems and power supply. They will be able to explain important terms, interrelationships and advantages and disadvantages. They understand the basic structure and operation of the systems covered at various levels. They will be able to sketch and interpret their structures and modes of operation. They can recognize the theoretically acquired concepts in practice and apply what they have learned.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Menth
Literature / Other


Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas INFM, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM

Module Number

Module Title

Technical Computer Science 2: Computer Science and Computing Systems Architecture (6 ECTS)
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

The basic lecture provides an overview of the following five areas: Internet, Coding, Assembly Programming, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems and Power Supply. In all 5 areas, a basic system view is provided. The following topics are covered in the 5 areas:
Internet: Protocol layers and basic structure of the Internet
Coding: number representations and character encoding, source encoding, channel encoding, line encoding;
Assembler programming: basics, calling subroutines in assembler, using the stack, program translation and execution, (impact of) compiler optimization;
Computer architecture: Instruction Set Architecture, Application Binary Interface ,Structure of computers, Moore's Law, basic performance considerations; Von Neumann architecture, CISC/RISC architectures
Operating systems: Processor structure, pipelining, hazards, exceptions; memory technologiesand hierarchy, locality principles, caches, processes and process management, structure and operation of virtual memory, Translation-Lookaside Buffer (TLB), cache coherence with multiple processors,user/kernel mode; structure of storage media, failover, RAIDs; Virtual Machines, advantages of virtualization, virtualization methods, Virtual LAN (VLAN); I/O devices, handshaking protocols for buses, parallel and serial buses, PCI, USB, control of I/O devices by the processor,data exchange between I/O devices and main memory, Direct MemoryAccess (DMA), advanced topics in operating systems;Energy supply:Climate change, quantitative comparison of CO2 emissions,power grids, energy markets, energy transition, power/heat coupling, demand-side management. 6LP IDS


The students know the basics in the areas of the Internet, coding, assembly language programming, computer architecture, operating systems and energy supply. They can explain important terms, connections and advantages and disadvantages. They understand the basic structure and functioning of the systems dealt with at various levels. They are able to sketch and interpret their structures and modes of operation. They can recognise the theoretically acquired concepts in practice and apply what they have learned.


Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Menth
Literature / Other


Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3310, MDZINFM2510

Module Number

Module Title

Theoretical Computer Science 1: Algorithms and Data Structures (formerly Algorithms)
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

Introduction: computational models, efficiency measures;
sorting methods: Quicksort, Heapsort, Mergesort;
Elementary data structures: lists, trees, graphs, dynamic search structures, hashing;
Graph algorithms: Patterning, shortest paths, spanning trees;
Algorithms on strings: pattern search;
Programming: learned algorithms and data structures.


Students have basic knowledge of fundamental data structures in computer science and of algorithms for fundamental problems. Within this framework, they are familiar with the independent creative development of algorithms and data structures. The students know the interactions between data structures and algorithms and can apply these to concrete examples. Based on the analysis techniques they have learned, they can evaluate simple algorithmic approaches according to their quality, efficiency and complexity. In addition, students are able to implement the algorithms and data structures they have learned.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1010 Mathematics for Computer Science 1: Analysis,

INFM1020 Mathematics for Computer Science 2: Linear Algebra,

INFM1110 Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming,

INFM1120 Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming
Lecturer Kaufmann, Schlipf, von Luxburg
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM, INFM, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM

Module Number

Module Title

Theoretical Computer Science 2: Formal Languages, Computability, and Complexity Theory (formerly Theoretical Computer Science)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Exam

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Topics include formal languages, and automata, computability, decidability and recursive enumerability, existence of undecideable problems, Rice's first theorem, complexity theory, time and space requirements, and NP-completeness.


Students have the ability to perform the standard constructions from the field of finite automata and regular expressions. They have an understanding of the phenomenon of non-computability and the frequency of its occurrence, as well as a basic understanding of the notion of NP-completeness and its motivation.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Hennig, von Luxburg
Literature / Other

Kenntnisse der Vorlesungen "Mathematik für Infomatik 1: Analysis" (INFM1010) und "Theoretische Informatik 1: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen" (INFM2420) werden empfohlen.

Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM, INFM, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Relational Database Systems (DB1)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Exam + exercise grade

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Database usage; database models and languages (types, declarativity, data independence, persistence); relational data model and SQL; normal forms, functional dependencies; entity-relationship model; relational algebra; recursive algebra; Recursive queries; Practical use (PostgreSQL)


This module provides a broad base of database system fundamentals (primarily: relational database systems). Students will be able to query, modify database systems. Students learn the basics of relational data models and their implementation in the form of SQL-based database systems. Students will be able to design and evaluate database schemas and query, modify database instances. Existing database systems can be assessed with regard to their quality and efficiency.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Grust
Literature / Other

Kemper/Eickler: Datenbanksysteme: Eine Einführung
Heuer/Saake: Datenbanksysteme – Konzepte und Sprachen
Relationale Datenbanksysteme (Software und Manuals), u.a. PostgreSQL

Last offered Wintersemester 2021
Planned for Sommersemester 2023
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Database Systems
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Exam + exercise grade

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

This lecture deepens specific theoretical knowledge, implementation aspects and practical use of database technology. The focus is on topics that cannot be covered in detail in the general introductory lecture Database System 1. Objects of study are real (source-open) database systems as well as prototype replicas of selected components of database systems.


Students understand selected detailed aspects of database technologies. This ranges from the interfacing of external database applications to internals of the database kernel that ensure efficient database operation in the first place. Unlocking these complex details encourages and requires discipline as well as self-study of the materials provided. Students understand the runtime characteristics of database systems and are familiar with relevant benchmarks.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Grust
Literature / Other

Klassische und aktuelle Forschungsartikel zum Thema

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Computer Graphics
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Introduction and motivation of basic concepts and techniques in computer graphics. Elementary data structures and algorithms are presented from many fields.
Topics are: Ray tracing, light transport, signal processing, textures, image filters, color representation and perception, OpenGL programming, 3D splines and surface and visualization techniques.


Students know the most important algorithms and data structures for representing three-dimensional scenes (geometry, light sources, optical material properties, textures) as well as operations and methods for generating realistic images from 3D scene descriptions (rendering equation and OpenGL). You can implement simple rendering and interaction techniques.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1110 Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming,

INFM1120 Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming
Lecturer Lensch
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM

Module Number

Module Title

Image Processing
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Covered topics include: Fourier series, Fourier transform, properties of the Fourier transform, discrete Fourier transform, sampling and aliasing, linear operations, PSF, LSI systems, FIR and IIR filters, image reconstruction (Wiener filter), multiscale representation, wavelets, edge detection, segmentation, image mapping, cross-correlation, morphological operations.


The students know the mathematical basics of image processing and know which algorithms exist for the basic tasks in image processing and how they are applied. In the exercises, the students have learned to apply their theoretical knowledge to solve concrete problems in image processing and to implement appropriate implement the corresponding algorithms.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1010 Mathematics for Computer Science 1: Analysis,

INFM1020 Mathematics for Computer Science 2: Linear Algebra,

INFM1110 Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming,

INFM1120 Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming
Lecturer Schilling
Literature / Other

Es soll entweder (INFM1110 oder INFM1120) und (INFM1010 oder INFM1020) bestanden worden sein.

Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM

Module Number

Module Title

Image Processing (Practical Course)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Exam

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

To be announced


To be announced

Prerequisite for participation MEINFM3143 Image Processing
Lecturer Schilling
Literature / Other


Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Scientific Visualization
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

Oral examination (written exam if there are a large number of participants)

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

The advances in modern high-performance computing and sensor technologies lead to increasingly large and complex data in many domains like the (life) sciences, medicine, physics, or engineering. Interactive visualization is often a crucial step to analyze these data. Scientific visualization is concerned with the depiction of data that has a spatial structure (mostly three-dimensional), for example medical volumes from CT or MRI scanners, or molecular structures. In this lecture, the steps of the visualization pipeline will be discussed, leading from the input data to the final image or the interactive rendering of the data set. This includes interpolation and filtering, mapping techniques, as well as the basics of (color) perception, computer graphics/rendering, and interaction. Visualization methods for different types of scientific data will be introduced, including particles, 3D scalar fields (volumes), vector fields, and tensor fields. In particular, the application of these methods for the visualization of biological as well as medical data will be discussed. This is, methods from Information Visualization (i.e., the visualization of abstract, non-spatial data) are not part of this lecture, as these are covered in BIO4364 - Visualization of Biological Data.


Students will
• know the most important concepts of scientific visualization (i.e., the graphical depiction of different types of spatial data, sampling, interpolation)
• know about visualization techniques for scientific data (e.g., particles, 3d scalar/vector/tensor fields)
• are able to implement these techniques on their own
• know how to apply scientific visualization effectively for the analysis of biological and medical data

Prerequisite for participation MEINFM3142 Computer Graphics
Lecturer Krone
Literature / Other

Lecture slides will be made available for download.
C. Hansen, C. R. Johnson, “The Visualization Handbook,” Academic Press, 2005.
H. Schumann, W. Müller, “Visualisierung: Grundlagen und allgemeine Methoden,” Springer, 2000.
A. C. Telea, “Data Visualization: Principles and Practice,” A K Peters/CRC Press, 2nd edition, 2014.
M. O. Ward, G. Grinstein, D. Keim, “Interactive Data Visualization: Foundations, Techniques, and Applications,” CRC Press, 2nd edition, 2015.

Last offered unknown
Planned for Sommersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Computer Games / Special Effects 1
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

Internship with changing focus: Implementation of computer games or interactive 3D applications, use of special VR/AR hardware, programming of mobile graphics applications, implementation of visual special effects in animations


Students will be able to independently plan and execute a programming project in groups. Techniques for creating interactive applications and games and the use of suitable libraries are known and practiced.

Prerequisite for participation MEINFM3142 Computer Graphics
Lecturer Lensch
Literature / Other

Entwicklungsumgebung wird zur Verfügung gestellt

Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Computer Games / Special Effects 2
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

Computer Games / Special Effects 2: Internship with changing focus: Implementation of computer games or interactive 3D applications, use of special VR/AR hardware, programming of mobile applications, implementation of visual special effects in animations


Computer Games / Special Effects 2: Students will be able to independently plan and execute a programming project in groups. Techniques for creating interactive applications and games and the use of suitable libraries are known and practiced.

Prerequisite for participation MEINFM3142 Computer Graphics
Lecturer Lensch
Literature / Other

Entwicklungsumgebung wird zur Verfügung gestellt

Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Visual Computing
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

This lecture covers the latest topics in the field of Visual Computing


The students are familiar with current methods in the field of visual computing and know how to apply them.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Schilling
Literature / Other

Vorlesungsfolien werden zum Download bereitgestellt.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Graphical Data Processing
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

To be announced.

Lecture type(s) Lecture

Special topics in graphical computing, rendering algorithms, rendering hardware, computer vision and pattern recognition, modeling, learning techniques in CG and CV.


Students learned about special topics in the field of graphic data processing.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Lensch
Literature / Other

Hängen von den aktuellen Themen ab und werden zur Verfügung gestellt

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Machine Learning
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

This module is designed to teach basic principles and simple algorithms from the field of statistical learning.
Topics include: different learning problems and approaches to solving them, basic principles of statistical learning (Bayes' theorem, decision theory, basic problems, evaluation of results), simple baseline models from supervised and unsupervised learning (density estimation, classification, clustering), ML in a social context.


The students know basic principles and methods of machine learning and are aware of their principal limitations. In the exercises, they have learned to solve small practical problems with the methods covered and to implement corresponding algorithms in practice.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1110 Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming,

INFM1120 Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming,

INFM2010 Mathematics for Computer Science 3: Advanced Topics
Lecturer Martius
Literature / Other

It is strongly recommended that students have passed the modules INFM1110, INFM1120 und INFM2010 in advance.

'Introduction to Machine Learning', 4th Edition, Ethem Alpaydin, MIT Press. Chapters 1-12 and 20.

'Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning' by Christopher Bishop,

Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Basics of Machine Learning (Practical Course)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

To be announced.

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

Implementation of programs with algorithms from the field of machine learning.


Students can independently (in small groups) plan and create programs to solve simple problems in the field of machine learning, applying their theoretical knowledge.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Schilling
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Graphics, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

To be announced.

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Special topics in computer graphics, computer vision, and learning techniques in these areas, e.g. computational photography, rendering algorithms, rendering hardware and interactive systems.


Students have become familiar with special topics in the field of computer graphics/computer vision and are able to develop a topic based on given and self-researched literature, present and discuss it in front of the group and present the essentials in an understandable and correct way in a written elaboration.

Prerequisite for participation MEINFM3142 Computer Graphics
Lecturer Lensch, Pons-Moll, Schilling
Literature / Other

Hängen von den aktuellen Themen ab und werden zur Verfügung gestellt

Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Neural Networks
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

In the lecture, after a short introduction to the biological basics, the most important algorithms of artificial neural networks and their theory are presented. In the exercise, the theoretical knowledge is deepened by solving practical tasks with neural network simulators.


The aim of this module is to provide basic knowledge about neural networks. Students learn about the most important network models and their properties. They learn to use them to solve pattern recognition problems (classification, regression). In some cases they also program network models themselves or use modern simulators (JavaNNS, JMatlab).

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Zell
Literature / Other

Skriptum zur Vorlesung, und Lehrbuch A. Zell: Simulation neuronaler Netze, Oldenbourg-Verlag

Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Artificial Neural Networks
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Internship performance including lecture and essay

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

Students become familiar with neural network simulators (JavaNNS, Weka, Matlab) and various network models and training methods in teams of about 3 students, and solve a real pattern recognition problem in teams of 2-3 students in the second half of the lab.


Students learn to apply the models from the lecture to a larger real-world problem. Students will also learn problem analysis, teamwork, time management, documentation, and presentation techniques.

Prerequisite for participation INF3154 Introduction to Neural Networks
Lecturer Zell
Literature / Other

Wird in der Vorbesprechung ausgeteilt.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Artificial Intelligence
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

The module covers approximately the first half of the book by Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig: Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach, 3rd. Edition. This includes: Introduction, Foundations and History of AI, Intelligent Agents, Problem Solving by Search, Heuristic Search Methods, Local Search Methods, Searches with Nondeterministic Actions and Partial Observations, Search Methods with Adversaries (Adversarial Search), Search Methods for Games, Alpha Beta Pruning, Stochastic Games, Constraint satisfaction problems, Backtracking search, Logical agents, Agents based on propositional logic, Predicate logic and knowledge representation in it, Unification and lifting, Forward chaining, Backward chaining, Prolog, Classical planning, Hierarchical planning and multiagent planning, Knowledge representation. The concepts of the lecture are deepened in exercises and programming tasks with Lisp or Java . Students learn to solve problems with AI techniques independently. solve problems.


Students will have basic knowledge of artificial intelligence based on the most internationally known AI textbook by Russel/Norvig.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Zell
Literature / Other

Skriptum zur Vorlesung, und Lehrbuch S. Russel, P. Norvig: Artifi- cial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd Edition, Pearson

Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Machine Learning
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Special topics in machine learning, changing annually depending on the topicality of the topics, e.g. artificial neural networks, support vector machines, kernel methods, Gaussian processes, graphical models, Markov processes, kernel applications in chemoinformatics and bioinformatics, evolutionary algorithms.


Students learned about specific topics in the field of machine learning.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Alle Dozenten
Literature / Other

Hängt von den aktuellen Themen ab und wird zur Verfügung gestellt

Last offered -
Planned for -
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Human-Computer-Interaction
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written exam (in case of a small number of participants: oral tests)

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Introduction to human perception and actuation, user interfaces, planning and execution of user tests, graphical and statistical evaluation of user tests, user-centered design, analysis methods, prototyping, heuristic evaluation, social aspects of technical systems.


Competencies: Students are familiar with the fundamentals of human information processing, various interaction interfaces for input and output, and the process and methods of user-centered software development. They can plan, execute and evaluate user tests. They have an overview of the importance of technical systems in society, in particular the use of assistance systems.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Walter
Literature / Other

wird in der Vorlesung bekanntgegeben

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

User Experience (UX)
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

User-centered design, analysis methods, prototyping, usability heuristics, heuristic evaluation, aesthetic design principles, implementation and evaluation of user tests.


Students learn the basics of interaction design and are able to understand and apply design processes. This course focuses on a user-centered view of new technological systems. Students know methods for problem analysis and prototyping, basic aesthetic principles for designing user interfaces, and implementation possibilities with markup languages. They will be able to perform and evaluate heuristic evaluations and user tests.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Krone
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2021
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM, MEINFM

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Internet Technologies
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Development and protocols for the web, Principle of dynamic web sites on the client and on the server, XML as well as XHTML, CSS, HTML5, CGI mechanism, PERL as CGI language, Dynamic web sites with PHP, Database connection with PHP, The Smarty template engine, Client-side web development with JavaScript, Document-Object-Model (DOM), Mixed web applications with AJAX, Electronic learning materials and communication forums in Moodle.


After this module, students will be able to independently develop simple web applications. They understand the common server- and client-side techniques for this. The students master various widely used programming languages for this purpose. Students will also be able to independently implement simple web applications with database connections.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Walter
Literature / Other


Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM, MEINFM

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Web Development
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Protocols and network technology for the web, the
Apache web server in detail, content management systems, esp. TYPO3, frameworks, especially ZEND framework, CakePHP and Ruby on Rails, software architectures for the web, classification of web applications, web services, media formats for the web (MIME), performance testing for web applications, project management for the WWW, techniques of the internet 2: Shibboleth and more, web security, legal aspects on the web: TKG, DSG, TMG and more


Students understand the principles of the Web and know how to evaluate different techniques. They understand how the web server works and can independently install, configure and operate web servers. They know different software architectures on the Web and can implement simple applications according to these. The student is actively familiar with the operation and application areas of various frameworks and content management systems. In addition, the student knows the current legal framework for the operation of a web server and is able to recognize and close the most important security gaps.

Prerequisite for participation MEINFM3171 Introduction to Internet Technologies
Lecturer Walter
Literature / Other

Walter, T.: Kompendium derWeb-Programmierung, Springer 2007 Kappel, G., Pröll, B., Reich, S., Retschitzegger: Web-Engineering, dpunkt 2004

Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Digital Media Design
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Project work with written documentation

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Basics of design, laws of design, typography, layout, design and baseline grid, image selection, image preparation for the web, effect and symbolism of colors, basics Adobe Photoshop and Indesign


Students will master the basic design of print and online media. They know basic typography and its areas of application and produce high-quality artwork in prepress. Likewise, they can prepare media for presentation on the web and other online media and independently design online media. The common tools are actively used by the participants.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Walter
Literature / Other

J. Böhringer, P. Bühler, P. Schlaich:Kompendium der Mediengestaltung, Springer, 2008
T.Walter: Mediafotografie - von der analogen zur digitalen Fotografie, Springer 2005
P. Bühler: MediaFarbe – analog und digital: Farbe in der Medienproduktion, Springer, 2004
S. Radtke, P. Pisani, W. Wolters: Handbuch visuelle Mediengestaltung, Cornelsen, 2004
C. Runk: Grundkurs Typografie und Layout, Galileo Design, 2008

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Web Development and Multimedia
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Exam

Lecture type(s) Lecture

To be announced


To be announced

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Walter
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Programming Languages I
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Written or oral exam; Successful participation in the exercise is a prerequisite for the exam.

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Programming languages are one of the most important intellectual inventions of the 20th century. The topic of this event is the basics of programming languages: What language concepts are there, what do they mean, how to use them. Some keywords about the topics covered: Lambda- Calculus, interpreters, evaluation strategies, continuations, fixed points and recursion, monads, objects and classes, type systems, module systems, macros, domain-specific languages, Scheme, Haskell, Scala, Java.


The students are able to evaluate and compare programming languages from a technical point of view. They can describe the meaning of above programming language constructs precisely using specialist terminology and implement them in the form of interpreters. They can estimate the meaning of the different programming language concepts for the programmer and apply them in a meaningful way.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1110 Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming,

INFM1120 Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming
Lecturer Ostermann
Literature / Other

wird in der Vorlesung bekanntgegeben.

Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Compiler Construction
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written or oral exam; Successful participation in the exercise is a prerequisite for the exam.

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

How does the translation of a high-level programming language into machine instructions work? An understanding of this is not only of interest to compiler developers, but any good programmer should know how modern compilers and virtual machines work: On the one hand, it allows a deeper understanding of what happens when a program is executed; on the other hand, many of the technologies from compiler construction can be usefully applied in many other programs. Some keywords about the content: parsing, abstract syntax trees, intermediate representations, data flow analysis, register allocation, optimizations, runtime systems and virtual machines, compilers for object-oriented and functional languages.


Students will be able to understand the different phases of a compiler. They can independently implement compilers for simple programming languages and understand the trade-offs and alternatives that exist when designing and selecting compiler technologies.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Alle Dozenten
Literature / Other

Andrew W. Appel, Modern Compiler Implementation in ML, Cambridge University Press.

Last offered unknown
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Implementation of Programming Languages
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Evaluation of the internship result

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

The goal of this practical course is the implementation of a part of a programming language. For this purpose, in the first half of the semester we work out various aspects of the implementation of a programming language (e.g. syntactic checking, type checking, intermediate stages (ANF, SSA, CPS), control flow) with the help of programming tasks. Afterwards, students choose a part of an existing or self-designed programming language in consultation with the organizer and implement this part in the second half of the semester.


Students will understand the structure and operation of compilers and related programs for implementing programming languages and be able to describe them using specialized terminology. They are able to implement a simple programming language correctly and professionally on their own, and to present and justify the chosen solution.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Brachthäuser
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Programming Languages and Compiler Construction
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

Applied concepts and techniques related to programming languages that go beyond introductory lectures and prepare students for writing a bachelor's thesis.


Competencies: Students possess in-depth knowledge of selected concepts of programming languages and corresponding implementation techniques. They can evaluate concepts and techniques with regard to their usability in a specific application context and use them professionally.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Ostermann
Literature / Other

Wird in den jeweiligen Veranstaltungen angegeben

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Practical Computer Science
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Exam + exercise grade

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Applied concepts in practical computer science that go beyond introductory lectures and prepare students to write a bachelor's thesis.


Students possess in-depth knowledge of selected areas of practical computer science, can evaluate concepts in terms of their usability in a specific application context and apply them in a professional manner.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Ostermann
Literature / Other

Wird in der Vorlesung bekanntgegeben.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Software Design and Programming Techniques
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Written or oral exam; Successful participation in the exercise is a prerequisite for the exam.

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

The goal of this course is to provide knowledge on how design and programming techniques can improve the effectiveness of developers throughout the software lifecycle. In addition to classic topics such as design and architecture patterns, design heuristics, and framework design, we will learn about a wide range of tools and programming techniques, for example for refactoring or implementing domain-specific languages. You will learn techniques from both research and industrial practice and deepen your knowledge by reading scientific articles and experimenting with practical tools.


Students are able to understand and apply design techniques such as design patterns. They can evaluate a software design and understand the trade-offs between modularity, extensibility, performance, etc. Students will be able to use technical terminology to describe the relationship between programming languages and design techniques and will be able to use advanced programming techniques in modern programming languages to design software.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1110 Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming,

INFM1120 Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming
Lecturer Ostermann
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Functional Programming
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Each semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Exam + exercise grade

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

This course uses the Haskell programming language to explore fundamental and practical functional programming concepts. The first three weeks of the course introduce students to Haskell, after which more advanced ideas of the functional paradigm are addressed: algebraic data types; parametric polymorphism; type classes; domain-specific languages and their embeddings; monads; parallelism. The material will be taught by of slide sets, blackboard notes and live coding.


Students will be able to understand basic and advanced concepts of functional programming in Haskell. Students describe complex data structures using the Haskell type system and independently develop programs to solve challenging algorithmic problems. Advanced methods for the abstraction of both data (e.g. generalized algebraic data types) and behavior (e.g. Monad Transformer) can be analyzed and created. Students develop access to advanced literature and research topics in functional programming.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Grust
Literature / Other

Bird: Thinking Functionally

Hutton: Programming in Haskell

Bird/Wadler: Introduction to Functional Programming

Last offered Wintersemester 2021
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Programming Techniques
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Each semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Approval of the internship project during the semester, presentation and elaboration

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

The goal of this internship is to learn the practical use of advanced programming techniques, for example from the field of functional programming or compiler technology. For this purpose a larger project is accomplished in the context of the practical course for learning the respective programming techniques.


Students are able to master the complexity of a medium-sized programming project. They are able to use advanced programming techniques in the subject area of the internship in a meaningful and targeted manner. Students will be able to adequately present the status of their project and work effectively in a team.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Ostermann
Literature / Other


Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Software Engineering
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

inhalt 3220


goals 3219

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Ostermann
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Computational Intelligence in Games
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Project, presentation and elaboration

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

Teams of about 3 students work on a current task in the area of CI in Games. They program or extend a computer game with intelligent, typically self-learning agents. In particular, the potential for autonomous development of self-learning artificial intelligences is explored and evaluated.


Students could integrate intelligent agents into computer games. In general, they gain hands-on experience integrating intelligent mechanisms into computer games and simulation environments. They develop an understanding of how fast artificial agents can learn. In particular, they understand the interplay between the complexity of the game environment, the power of the learning algorithm, and the focus (bias) of the learning algorithm to discover certain structures in the environment.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Spezifische Informationen zu den Aufgabenbereichen werden gestellt. / Grundwissen in Künstlicher Intelligenz, Kognitiven Architekturen und dem Maschinellen Lernen sind hilfreich aber nicht zwingend notwendig.

Last offered -
Planned for -
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Applied Statistics I
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam


Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Introduction and motivation of basic statistical methods using practical examples from neuroscience, perception research and image processing. The focus lies on the practical application of statistical methods and their implementation in Python. The following topics are covered: Discrete and continuous probability distributions, descriptive statistics (e.g., measures of location, dispersion, and correlation), inductive statistics (e.g., regression, generalized linear model (GLM)), and exploratory statistics are covered. Furthermore, the lecture will cover the introduction and application of probability distributions. Finally, a short introduction into Python and the use of notebooks will given in order to facilitate the use of the required statistical packages.


Students learn basic statistical methods, apply them and implement them in software. They are able to plan and evaluate experiments themselves and to avoid typical errors in experimental design. Furthermore, they can critically evaluated results presented in the literature.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1010 Mathematics for Computer Science 1: Analysis,

INFM1020 Mathematics for Computer Science 2: Linear Algebra
Lecturer Wannek
Literature / Other

Fahrmeir, Künstler, Pigeot, Tutz: Statistik; Springer-Verlag. /
Stahel: Statistische Datenanalyse; Vieweg & Sohn. /
Zusatzliteratur wird in der Vorlesung bekannt gegeben.

Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Virtual Reality and Simulation
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

project 60%, presentation and documentation 40%

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

Teams of about 3 students work on a current task in the field of virtual reality; typically in Unity. This usually involves functionality enhancements, content generation, data acquisition and the integration of sensors (e.g. Vicon, LeapMotion, eye tracking, intertial tracking, etc.).


Students gain hands-on experience working with and enhancing virtual reality environments and interacting with them online. They will be able to program and activate a virtual reality environment. They will also know how to immerse and interact effectively with such an environment using appropriate tracking methods. You will also be able to effectively record data from VR interactions online and synchronized accurately over time.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Butz
Literature / Other

Spezifische Informationen zu den Aufgabenbereichen werden gestellt. / Erfahrungen mit Simulationsumgebungen, VRs, und insbesondere Unity etc. sind hilfreich aber nicht notwendig.

Last offered -
Planned for -
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

IT Service and Security Management
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written exam (in case of a small number of participants: oral tests)

Lecture type(s) Lecture

IT service management comprises all methods and measures for IT management. The goals for IT originate from the supported business and support is provided in the form of IT services. A key qualitative aspect is the provision of IT services with a required level of security. The merging of IT with many other areas in companies and in everyday life creates new challenges and opportunities. In this lecture, the methods and measures for IT service management are covered and the necessary organizational knowledge is conveyed through application examples in the area of interfaces. Information security management is considered with the components IT security and data protection both methodically and practically. The contents are: Methods in IT Service Management, interfaces in the area of ITSM (methodical and practical), project management in IT, requirements management, portfolio management of an IT service provider, information security management, data protection and data security, areas of application of IT security, certifications, standards and laws


The students have basic knowledge of IT organization, its structure, processes and basic knowledge of IT projects and project management. Using established frameworks (ITIL) and standards (ISO 20000), students can understand and manage complex IT service structures. In doing so, they can describe, control and further develop the processes used.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Menth
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

In this module, an overview of the semiconductor technology used and layout design is provided, and calculation methods for circuit dimensioning are introduced. Emphasis is placed on circuit simulation techniques, practicing design, analysis and selection of basic circuits, estimating limitations and costs, and estimating possible future technology developments. The lecture is organized as follows: Introduction to the terminology of integrated circuits, circuit simulation, outline of semiconductor technology and packaging, basic circuits and sizing criteria, theory of the MOS transistor.


The students understand the concepts of circuit technology for integrated, digital CMOS circuits. This enables them to understand integrated circuits and to solve the problems that frequently occur in this context in industrial practice, such as circuit dimensioning, in a results-oriented manner. Through the accompanying exercises, students deepen the knowledge imparted in the lecture by applying it to concrete problems. The independent work in small groups promotes personal responsibility and teamwork of the students.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Rabaey, Chandrakasan, Nikolic: Digital Integrated Circuits, a design perspective; 2nd ed. Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, 2003. J. Lienig: Layoutsynthese elektronischer Schaltungen; Springer, 2006.

Last offered -
Planned for -
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3310, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Chip-Design (Practical Course)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

The aim of the practical course is the computer-aided application of essential concepts for the circuit design of integrated circuits (chip design) taught in lecture and tutorial. In the course of the internship, students can learn how complex chips are developed using state-of-the-art design tools. In cooperation with the company Cadence, the participants gain insight into the MMSIM technology and learn the practical handling of the current custom design platform Virtuoso and the visualization tool Viva. The practical course is structured as follows: Modeling of components and basic circuits, Generation of netlists, Use of different types of circuit simulation analysis, Circuit simulation of SPICE descriptions with Cadence Virtuoso Spectre, Analysis and consideration of physical phenomena such as threshold voltage and substrate effect, Determination of subthreshold currents and static dissipation, Simulation-based circuit dimensioning.


goals 3312

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Rabaey, Chandrakasan, Nikolic: Digital Integrated Circuits, a design perspective; 2nd ed. Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, 2003. J. Lienig: Layoutsynthese elektronischer Schaltungen; Springer, 2006.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3310, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Multimedia Technology
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

This module covers the fundamentals, system aspects, storage media and basic applications of multimedia technology. The Shannon sampling theorem and pulse code modulation (PCM) form the basis for processing digital audio and video data. From this, various techniques have been developed that are specialized for the respective medium. Audio technology includes music and speech processing, video technology is mainly based on the development of digital television up to current video streaming applications. The data rates of these media require appropriate compression methods, which can be realized in hardware as well as in software. In addition, modern storage media for recording and playback of multimedia data are presented and the creation of multimedia content as well as techniques for storage and search in multimedia databases are discussed.


The students are familiar with current techniques in the field of multimedia. Particularly against the background of the highest demands on the quality of multimedia data and increasing broadband networking, the students know the corresponding key techniques. The students understand the functionalities and possibilities of these technologies. They are thus able to apply them in practice in a problem-adequate manner. The exercises are worked on in small groups. This enhances the students' sense of responsibility, cooperation and communication skills.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Kuehne
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3310, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM

Module Number

Module Title

Multimedia Technology
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

Complementary to the module Fundamentals of Multimedia Technology, this accompanying practical course serves to deepen the contents taught. In groups of max. three participants, the topics are put into practice through appropriate tasks. At the beginning there is an introduction to different image formats, their creation, conversion and specific properties. This is followed by the specific processing of image data using suitable tools. Another focus is on audio and video formats, their properties and creation using selected formats as examples. Comprehensive basic knowledge about the corresponding techniques and procedures, e.g. DCT and wavelets, is imparted. The implementation of this basic knowledge in multimedia applications is carried out using the example of BD mastering, multimedia applications on mobile devices, video conferencing and the handling of multimedia databases and media servers with a focus on suitable methods of content analysis and description.


Students will be able to practically apply the concepts from the module "Fundamentals of Multimedia Technology". They can specifically process multimedia data, such as audio/video data, and create query algorithms. They can evaluate different algorithmic strategies and apply them appropriately to the situation. Students know the advantages and disadvantages of DCT and wavelet transforms and can apply them to concrete examples.

Prerequisite for participation MEINFM3321 Introduction to Multimedia Technology
Lecturer Bringmann
Literature / Other

Das Modul INF3321 Grundlagen der Multimediatechnik kann parallel belegt werden.

• R. Malaka, A. Butz, H. Hußmann: Medieninformatik - Eine Einführung;
Pearson Studium, 2009.
• W. Burger, M.Burge: Digitale Bildverarbeitung: Eine algorithmische Einführung
mit Java, Springer Vieweg, 3. Auflage 2015.
• K. D. Tönnies: Grundlagen der Bildverarbeitung; Pearson Studium, 2005.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3310, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Computer Networking and Internet
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Exam, exercise performance can flow into the exam as bonus points

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Protocols and standards, OSI model, switching principles: Bridges, Switches, Routers; IP Addressing, IPv4/IPv6, ARP/NDP, DHCP, ICMP, Intradomain and Interdomain Routing, Flow and Load Control, Transport Protocols, UDP, TCP, Sockets, Domain Name System (DNS), Application Protocols, Firewalls, Network Address Translation (NAT), Peer-to-Peer Networking.


Students have a basic understanding of the operating principle and organization of the Internet. They can correctly apply important terms of the subject area and have a sound basis for in-depth studies in the field of communication networks.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Menth
Literature / Other

Kurose, Ross: “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach”
O. Bonaventure: “Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice”,

Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3310, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Internet Lab
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Graded internship attempts consisting of theory and practice with a final exam or oral exam

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

Introductory lecture units for each experiment, practical exercises at home to get to know the experimental environment (Linux command line, basic commands for network administration, recording traffic) as well as graded presence exercises in the experimental lab on the following topics: Network security, attacks and attack defense, VPN, Wi-Fi, selected application protocols.


Students are able to work in a team and have perseverance in solving technical tasks. They are able to independently research further information on the Internet and to read, understand and implement English technical texts. They can independently carry out simple configurations of computer networks and experimentally evaluate properties of basic protocols.

Prerequisite for participation INF3331 Computer Networking and Internet
Lecturer Menth
Literature / Other

Wird während des Praktikums zur Verfügung gestellt.

Last offered unknown
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3310, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Communication Networks
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Exam and possibly exercise grade

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Applied technical concepts in communication networks that go beyond introductory lectures and prepare for writing a bachelor's thesis.


Students possess in-depth knowledge in the field of communication networks and are able to evaluate concepts in terms of their usability in a specific application context and use them professionally.

Prerequisite for participation INF3331 Computer Networking and Internet
Lecturer Menth
Literature / Other

Wird in der Vorlesung bekanntgegeben.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Special Chapters in Practical Computer Science
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

The lecture "Compiler Construction" is offered in this module regularly in the winter semester:
In this lecture, application-oriented concepts and techniques of programming languages and compiler construction are taught.
Specifically, the phases of compiler construction are first introduced using a Java compiler. The functional programming language Haskell is used as implementation technique. For this purpose, the necessary basics of functional programming are taught, building on the knowledge of the basic lecture.
In the second part of the course, students will implement a mini-Java compiler in group work using the techniques they have learned.


to be added

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Alle Dozenten, Plümicke
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Computer Architecture
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

This module deals with the basic structure of modern computer systems. Topics include methods for classifying and evaluating computer architectures, pipelining for accelerated instruction processing, memory hierarchy and caches, main memory technologies, virtual memory management, jump prediction techniques, communication between processor and peripherals, and basic principles of hardware and computer design.


Students have a basic understanding of the structure, organization and operating principle of computer systems. This enables them to evaluate, compare and select microprocessor systems for different areas of application. Furthermore, the acquired knowledge enables the students to understand the relationship between hardware concepts and their impact on software. This enables the course participants to develop system-related functions as well as efficient programs. Through the accompanying exercises, students deepen the knowledge imparted in the lecture by applying it to concrete problems. Since the exercises are to be worked on independently in small groups, the students' ability to work in a team is trained in addition to their personal responsibility.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1310 Technical Computer Science 1: Digital Technology,

INFM2310 Technical Computer Science 2: Computer Science and Computing Systems Architecture
Lecturer Bringmann
Literature / Other

• David A. Patterson & John L. Hennessy; Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware / Software Interface 2. Auflage; Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier, 2020.

• D. A. Patterson, J. L. Hennessy: Rechnerorganisation und Rechnerentwurf: Die Hardware/Software-Schnittstelle; Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 4. Auflage, 2011.

• J. L. Hennessy, D. A. Patterson: Computer Architecture: A Quantitive Approach; Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 6. Auflage, 2018.

Last offered Wintersemester 2021
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3310, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Computer Architecture (Practical Course)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

The practical course deepens the following topics of the module Fundamentals of Computer Architecture through practical tasks: performance evaluation of computer systems, instruction execution in processors, design and implementation of system-related functions, optimization of programs using the knowledge of instruction processing sequences, system and hardware design, virtual memory management as well as the development and application of simulators for system analysis.


The students are able to apply and deepen the knowledge learned in the module "Fundamentals of Computer Architecture". They are able to analyze and solve corresponding practical problems and process tasks in industrial practice in a results-oriented manner. The tasks are worked on by the students themselves in small groups. In addition to teamwork, communication and conflict skills, this also trains the students' sense of responsibility.

Prerequisite for participation INF3341 Introduction to Computer Architecture
Lecturer Bringmann
Literature / Other

• D. A. Patterson, J. L. Hennessy: Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface; ARM Edition (basierend auf 5. Auflage) Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier, 2017.
• J. L. Hennessy, D. A. Patterson: Computer Architecture: A Quantitive Approach; Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 6. Auflage, 2018.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3310, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Foundations of Robotics
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

Written exam (in case of a small number of participants: oral tests)

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

The module Fundamentals of Robotics focuses in particular on stationary robots (manipulators). Introduction, goals and applications of robots, spatial coordinates and transformations, manipulator kinematics, inverse manipulator kinematics, velocities and static forces, manipulator dynamics.


The aim of this module is to provide basic knowledge about robotics. Students learn methods for describing the kinematics of robots and for solving position and path planning tasks. They learn about areas of application, drive forms and characteristics of industrial robots and can apply this to real problems.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Zell
Literature / Other

Skriptum Robotik 1 (Zell) nach Lehrbuch, weitere Lit. wird zu Beginn der Vorlesung bekanntgegeben

Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3310, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Robotics
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Exam or presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Lecture

This module deals with current topics in the field of robotics. These are taught to students using current literature from research and industry. The module is primarily aimed at students who wish to acquire advanced knowledge in this area.


Competencies :The students have an insight into current topics in robotics. Self-discipline as well as reading and learning skills of the students are trained by working on the topics independently. Moderation competence, rhetoric and critical ability of the students are particularly improved by the presentation of the topic in front of an expert audience.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Zell
Literature / Other

Aktuelle Literatur, die in der Vorbesprechung bekanntgegeben wird.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3310, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Technical Computer Science
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

inhalt 3400


goals 3399

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Alle Dozenten
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3310, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Algorithmic Methods
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

This module is about providing the basics for the field of algorithms. This module is thematically and methodologically connected to the compulsory module Algorithms. It covers a wide range, from the theoretical conception of problem solving methods, different complexity classes and application areas to practical aspects such as algorithm engineering. Topics include graphs and networks, randomized algorithms, linear programming, approximations, parametrization and Parallelism


Students demonstrate advanced knowledge of methods for data structures and algorithms, particularly for various classes of algorithms such as graph algorithms, randomized algorithms, parameterized algorithms, geometric algorithms, and parallel algorithms. For the individual topics, students can independently apply the methods to case studies and solve them, including in particular the application of proofs of correctness and efficiency analyses. The students can develop simple algorithm ideas themselves and design the corresponding analyses and practical implementations.

Prerequisite for participation INFM2420 Theoretical Computer Science 1: Algorithms and Data Structures (formerly Algorithms)
Lecturer Kaufmann
Literature / Other

Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein: Introduction to Algorithms; Mehlhorn, Näher: LEDA - A platform for combinatorial and geometric computation;
Papadimitriou, Steiglitz: Combinatorial optimization : algorithms and complexity

Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Graphalgorithms and Applications
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

This course covers basic graph and network algorithms with emphasis on applications. Important methods are presented for various applications, including network analysis, clustering of data, visualization of graphs, etc., and their implementation to the requirements of the corresponding application is discussed. This will be accompanied by a practical course. Topics include network analysis, pattern search, clustering, and graph drawing.


In this module, students gain advanced knowledge in graph and network algorithms. They can formalize simple and also more difficult problems from different application areas and apply graph and network methods within the formal basics. (Simple) extensions of the basic methods can be designed and realized by the students independently.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Kaufmann
Literature / Other

Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein: Introduction to Algorithms Mehlhorn, Näher: LEDA - A platform for combinatorial and geometric computation Papadimitriou, Steiglitz: Combinatorial optimization : algorithms and complexity

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Algorithmic Geometry
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

inhalt 3414


goals 3413

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Schlipf
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Complexity Theory
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written exam (in case of a small number of participants: oral tests)

Lecture type(s) Lecture

Topics include complexity measures and their basic relationships, hierarchy theorems, reduction and completeness, alternation and circuits, the polynomial hierarchy, and complexity of approximability issues.


The students have an overview of the structure of the most important complexity classes and therefore a frame of reference for the complexity classification of combinatorial problems. They have developed an awareness of the seemingly notorious difficulty of combinatorial problems and the formal uncertainty of this situation.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Lange
Literature / Other

Hopcroft u. Ullman, Introduction to automata theory, languages and computation, 1979 Rogers, The theory of recursive functions and effective computability, 1989 Arora and Barak. Computational complexity: a modern approach, 2009.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Formal Languages
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

inhalt 3441


goals 3441

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Lange
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Data Compression
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written exam (in case of a small number of participants: oral tests)

Lecture type(s) Lecture

Topics include lossless data compression, prefix codes and entropy, dictionary techniques, B-W transform, run-length encoding, fax, lossy case, quantization, differential encoding, subband encoding, transform encoding.


Students will have a basic understanding of the capabilities and limitations of data compression, an overview of the major techniques and knowledge of how they work, and the ability to use standard techniques.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Lange
Literature / Other

Strutz: Datenkompression

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Computer Security
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

inhalt 3460


goals 3459

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other


Last offered -
Planned for -
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Mathematical Logic
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Fundamentals of propositional logic and first-level predicate logic. This includes, in particular, logical deduction systems and semantics of predicate logic languages as well as, as a central theorem, the completeness theorem and its applications.


Students will be able to work independently with term structures and apply logic as a language for modeling and specifying problems. The design, implementation and application of logic concepts of various kinds will be practiced. Students will also become familiar with the limits of expression of formal concepts. At the same time, this strengthens the ability to deal fundamentally and critically with the scope and application possibilities of formal tools.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Piecha
Literature / Other

D. van Dalen, Logic and Structure, Springer-Verlag, 2008. P. Schroeder-Heister, Skriptum Mathematische Logik (siehe Homepage des Veranstalters)

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Automatical Proofs - Introduction
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Graded assignments

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Implementation of mechanical proof methods from lecture INF3482 Automatic Proof -- Fundamentals in approximately 5 exercises.


Students gain basic knowledge in the implementation of automatic proof methods and their capabilities and possible applications. They will be able to evaluate the practical relevance of mathematical logic for computer science using concrete examples.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Aufgabenbeschreibungen, Dokumentation der verwendeten Systeme

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Logic
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Elementary basics of logic are presented. This includes the syntax and semantics of propositional and first-order logic, normal forms, and logical calculi such as the resolution calculus and the calculus of natural deduction.


Acquisition of basic logical skills that are essential for computer science.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Piecha
Literature / Other

Literatur: siehe Homepage des jeweiligen Veranstalters.

Hinweis: Diese Veranstaltung entspricht der früheren Veranstaltung INF2620 (Pflicht für Studierende des B.Sc. Informatik nach PO 2015 Pflicht; zu belegen im Modul "Logik & Proseminar (übK)" [INFM2620]).

Last offered unknown
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Symbolic Computing
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

inhalt 3489a


goals 3489a

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Advanced Topics in Symbolic Computing
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

inhalt 3489b


goals 3489b

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Theoretical Computer Science
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

The contents are alternating. Each module covers a fundamental chapter of theoretical computer science. After an introduction to this area, important topics are covered.


goals 3499

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

In diesem Modul erhalten die Studierenden eine Einführung in ein Gebiet der theoretischen Informatik. Nach Abschluss des Moduls haben sie einen Überblick und grundlegende Kenntnisse in diesem Gebiet und sind in der Lage, eine Bachelorarbeit in diesem Gebiet zu schreiben.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Acceptance of the programming project during the semester

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

This practical course complements the corresponding module, which consists of lecture and exercise. Here, selected methods from the lecture are implemented in application scenarios, tested and documented.


The students can implement several of the methods in a small project. This implementation ranges from requirements analysis, design and implementation to text and documentation.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Originalliteratur wird bekanntgegeben

Last offered -
Planned for -
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Didactics of Technical Computer Science
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Weekly team meetings and final evaluation

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Research, computer-aided teaching methods, supervision and implementation of exercises and classroom exercises accompanying the lecture Introduction to Computer Engineering, computer-aided organization of exercise operation by means of CIS, recognition and assessment of knowledge gaps, evaluation of the complexity of exercise tasks, independent development of tasks and sample solutions, correction and evaluation with and without computer support, search for plagiarism.


Students have a good knowledge of the material covered in the lecture "Introduction to Computer Engineering", know how to position it in the context of computer science and can talk about it independently as well as work out their own examples and tasks and guide other students in solving the exercises. They know the basics of group communication and motivation, gain experience in guiding independent work and can thus provide assistance with learning problems.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

W. Schiffmann, R. Schmitz. Technische Informatik 1: Grundlagen der digitalen Elektronik. 5. Auflage, Springer, 2004.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Applications of Discrete Mathematics (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Alternating topics from application areas of discrete mathematics in computer science.

For the concrete course offers in a particular semester please refer to the course catalogue in alma.


The students work independently on a limited topic from the field of discrete mathematics. They are able to present this topic in a structured and comprehensible way, to respond to contributions to the discussion and to summarise it in a written paper. The participants are able to give their fellow students appreciative feedback in the context of their presentation.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Schlipf
Literature / Other

wird in der 1. Sitzung bekannt gegeben / will be announced in the first session.

Last offered unknown
Planned for Sommersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Several topics from one subfield of theoretical computer science are covered per course.


The students are able to independently familiarise themselves with a topic from an area of theoretical computer science using written sources and to present this to others in a presentation. In doing so, the understanding must be sufficiently advanced to be able to answer questions and further questions from the students and supervisors.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Efficient Algorithms (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

The proseminar includes the elaboration of written sources under supervision on topics from the field of Efficient Algorithms. The presentation and the written summary conclude the seminar work. Active participation in the individual sessions is an important part of the proseminar.


The students can independently work out a limited subject from the field of Efficient Algorithms from a written source, understand it and present it in the form of a prensentation and also represent it in a discussion in front of a plenum. In addition to the oral presentation, they can present and summarise the elaborated topic in writing.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Kaufmann
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Graph Theory (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Different topics from the field of graph theory are covered per course. Examples: Planarity, network flows, colorability, context.

From summer term 2024 on, this proseminar will be offered as proseminar "Beweise aus dem Buch" in the module "Applications of Discrete Mathematics".


The students have a basic overview of graph theory and its application as well as in-depth knowledge of a topic in graph theory. The students are able to independently familiarise themselves with a topic from one area of graph theory using written sources and to present this to others in a presentation. In doing so, the understanding must be sufficiently advanced to be able to answer questions and further questions from the students and supervisors.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Schlipf, wechselnde Dozenten
Literature / Other

wird in der 1. Sitzung / zu Beginn der Vorlesungszeit bekannt gegeben

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Graphics and Image Processing
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

To be announced.

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

The proseminar includes the elaboration of written sources on topics from the fields of computer graphics and image processing under supervision. Presentation and the written summary conclude the seminar work. Active participation in the individual sessions is an important component of the proseminar.


Students can present and critically discuss simple procedures from the fields of computer graphics and image processing.

Prerequisite for participation MEINFM3142 Computer Graphics,

MEINFM3143 Image Processing
Lecturer Lensch, Schilling
Literature / Other

Hängt von den aktuellen Themen ab und wird zur Verfügung gestellt

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Machine Learning (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Machine learning methods play an important role in data analysis and modeling in both industry and research. These methods can learn models from data and apply them to unknown instances. Examples of practical applications include character recognition, image recognition, shopping cart analysis, spam filtering or property prediction of chemical compounds. Basic machine learning techniques, their theoretical foundations and their practical applications are presented. In addition, validation strategies and parameter optimization methods are presented.


In addition to the subject-specific skills of the proseminar, students also learn how to scientifically analyse a topic, prepare a scientific presentation, give a presentation, communicate with an audience, engage in critical scientific discourse and write a scientific paper on their seminar topic.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Literatur wird in der Vorbesprechung angegeben.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Machine Learning in Bioinformatics (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Machine learning plays an important role in bioinformatics and chemoinformatics for data analysis and modeling. Basic machine learning methods, their theoretical foundations, and their practical applications in bioinformatics (e.g., in sequence analysis, protein similarity analysis, drug design, protein-ligand interactions, transcription factor binding site prediction, etc.) are presented. In addition, validation strategies and parameter optimization methods are presented.


Machine learning in bioinformatics: In addition to the subject-specific skills of the proseminar, students also learn how to scientifically analyse a topic, prepare a scientific presentation, give a presentation, communicate with an audience, engage in critical scientific discourse and write a scientific paper on their seminar topic.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM1510, INFM1510, MDZINFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Mathematical Logic (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Elementary topics from mathematical logic, which can only be touched upon in the module "Lecture Mathematical Logic'', will be deepened by presentations of the students.


In addition to the competence in the content of mathematical logic (see module description "Mathematical Logic'' ("Mathematische Logik")), students learn to work out an elementary topic of mathematical logic independently, to communicate it to others through a presentation and to set it down in writing in a formally precise manner.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Literatur und Lernmaterialien werden jeweils im Netz bereitgestellt

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Mobile Robots (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

inhalt 3660


goals 3660

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Modern Evolutionary Optimization Techniques (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

inhalt 3661


goals 3661

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Communication Networks (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Changing topics from the field of communication networks.


Students can understand and process a topic from written sources, summarise it in a self-prepared paper and present it independently in the form of a presentation with discussion.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Wird in der Vorbesprechung bekanntgegeben.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Fun Problems of the ACM Programming Contest (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam


Lecture type(s) Proseminar

The participants of this seminar each work on a selected topic of the annual ACM International Collegiate Programming Challenge (ICPC). This includes the conception of proposed solutions and their implementation. Participants communicate these solutions in the form of an approximately 30-minute presentation and demonstrate the resulting software. Equal emphasis is placed on (a) content-related aspects and (b) questions regarding presentation technique. In addition, a compact written elaboration summarizes the solution to the problem.


Students will be able to adequately select appropriate programming paradigms and languages for problem solving. Reading and learning skills are acquired. The compact and effective presentation of the acquired knowledge in the form of presentation and text is learned. The student acts confidently in front of the plenum. Self-discipline, critical faculties, language skills and empathy are promoted and challenged. As listeners, the participants are able to give their fellow students critical but fair feedback on the content and formal aspects of the presentation.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1110 Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming,

INFM1120 Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming
Lecturer Grust
Literature / Other

Ausgewählte Originalaufgaben des ACM ICPC Programmierwettbewerbes Literatur zu rogrammierparadigmen und –sprachen Hinweise zur Vortragstechnik und Erstellung von wissenschaftlichen Artikeln

Last offered Wintersemester 2021
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Game Theory (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Different topics from the field of game theory are covered per course. Examples: Nash equilibrium, repeated games, mechanism design.


The students have a basic overview of game theory and its application as well as in-depth knowledge of a topic in game theory. The students are able to independently familiarise themselves with a topic from one area of game theory on the basis of written sources and to present this to others in a presentation. In doing so, the understanding must be sufficiently advanced to be able to answer questions and further questions from the students and supervisors.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Ken Binmore: Playing for Real Osborne and Rubinstein: A Course in Game Theory

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Symbolic Computing (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Changing topics on already established methods of symbolic computation from the subfields of computer logic and computer algebra. Students will learn how to work independently with textbooks and scientific literature and how to present the contents in a comprehensible way to their peers.


The students acquire both social and technical basic skills. Under guidance, they work independently into a sub-area of symbolic computation using scientific literature. They summarise technical content and present it to the participants in a presentation. The summary consists of computer-aided presentation slides, a written elaboration and, if necessary, an implementation in a small software system. In addition to technical training, social skills such as communication skills, moderation skills, rhetorical skills and critical faculties are also strengthened.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Wissenschaftliche Lehrbücher; themenbezogene wissenschaftliche Artikel.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Modern Architectures of Embedded Systems (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Changing topics on technologies and methods in the field of technical computer science. Please note announcements and notices.


Students can understand and process a subject from written sources and present it independently in the form of a presentation with discussion and summarise it in a self-prepared paper.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Bringmann
Literature / Other

wird in der Vorbesprechung bekannt gegeben

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Proseminar: Scientific work in algorithmics
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

The proseminar includes the basics of academic work. In particular, learning common standards is important. One outstanding point is scientific publishing in algorithms. A second point is the structured approach to planning, programming and evaluating own implementations. The proseminar offers a good preparation/ familiarization with the methods and tools used in the field of algorithms.


Students demonstrate a foundation for scientific work with an emphasis on the field of algorithms. They master essential tools for publishing and also know our software library for designing graph algorithms and methods for graph visualisation. They can apply principles of scientific work, summarise and present and represent in front of the plenum.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Kaufmann, Schlipf
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Database Systems (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Students develop classic and current topics of the database research literature in order to present them to the participants of the seminar in the form of an approx. 30-minute presentation. The focus is equally on (a) aspects of content and (b) questions of presentation technique. In addition, a compact written elaboration summarizes the acquired contents.


The students can independently access the contents of scientific materials as well as secondary literature. Reading and learning competences are acquired. The compact and effective presentation of the acquired knowledge in the form of a presentation and text is learned. The student acts confidently in front of the plenum. Self-discipline, critical faculties, language skills and empathy are promoted and required.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Klassische und aktuelle Original-Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Gebiet der relationalen und post-relationalen Datenbanktechnologie

Hinweise zur Vortragstechnik und Erstellung von wissenschaftlichen Artikeln

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Technical Applications of Computer Science: Hardware and Software Development of Embedded Systems (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

This module deals with current topics in the areas of technical computer science and embedded systems. These are brought to the students by means of current literature from research and industry. The module is primarily aimed at students who wish to acquire advanced knowledge in this area.


The students have an insight into current topics in technical computer science and can analyse, describe and evaluate the methods of the topic to be worked through. Working on a topic independently trains the students' self-discipline as well as reading and learning skills. By presenting the topic in front of an expert audience, the students acquire improved moderation skills and train their rhetoric and critical faculties.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Aktuelle Literatur, die in der Vorbesprechung bekannt gegeben wird.

Last offered unknown
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Visual Computing (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

To be announced.

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

The seminar includes the elaboration of written sources on current topics in the field of visual computing. Presentation and the written summary conclude the seminar work.


Students will be able to understand, present and critically discuss current literature in the field of visual computing.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Hängt von den aktuellen Themen ab und wird zur Verfügung gestellt

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Topics in Programming Languages and Software Technology (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Each semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Graded papers, discussions and contributions to a peer review process.

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

The topics of the seminar are current research areas in the field of programming languages, for example domain-specific languages, program analysis, type systems, programming techniques, refactoring or debugging. We read and discuss current papers on the respective area together.

Note: In the summer term 2024, the proseminar "Memory Managament" will be offered.


Students are able to read and understand simple scientific papers in the subject area and to present and discuss them adequately. The students have an overview of current research questions in the subject area.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Ostermann
Literature / Other

wechselnd je nach Thema

Last offered Sommersemester 2021
Planned for Sommersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Modularity (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Graded papers, discussions and contributions to a peer review process.

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

The topic of the seminar is current research that deals with the modularity of programs, for example from the area of type and module systems, metaprogramming, design patterns or domain-specific languages. We read and discuss recent papers in the respective area together.


Students are able to read and understand simple scientific papers in the subject area and to present and discuss them adequately. The students have an overview of current research questions in the subject area and can describe them using specialist terminology.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

wechselnd je nach Thema

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Natural Language Processing: A Practical Introduction
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Exercise, final project

Lecture type(s) Lecture

The term Natural Language Processing (NLP) covers the machine analysis and generation of natural language data. Prominent NLP applications include
Speech recognition, spelling and grammar correction, machine translation, Chatbots, and speech assistance systems. This event provides an introduction to basic concepts and techniques from the subareas of word, sentence and text , sentence and text analysis, e.g. word normalization, semantic word networks, tagging, chunking, parsing, text classification. The course is designed as a practical introduction and consists of Lectures and programming exercises. No linguistic or linguistic or computational linguistic knowledge is assumed; however, general programming knowledge but general programming knowledge must already be available. This is not a programming course! Therefore, the course is intended for advanced bachelor students of of computer science.


Students have basic knowledge of general concepts, resources and procedures in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and can implement these practically in the form of small programmes.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1110 Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming,

INFM1120 Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming
Lecturer Lichte
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Applications in Multimedia Technology
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

The focus of this module is on the application areas of multimedia technology. One focus is on content analysis of multimedia data. At the beginning, basic algorithms for image enhancement and image analysis are introduced. This is followed by techniques for audio and video analysis. In audio analysis, techniques for speech and music recognition are covered, while video analysis focuses on techniques for cut detection. A second focus is on localization, navigation, and mobile assistance. Finally, suitable description methods for the creation and programming of multimedia data (authoring systems) are presented, covering aspects of human/machine interaction, usability, and subjective perception and aesthetics.


The students know advanced techniques from the field of multimedia media, especially against the background of scientific questions (image enhancement, content analysis of multimedia content, speech and gesture recognition). They understand the functionalities and possibilities of these technologies, are able to apply them in science and practice and can develop their own multimedia applications.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

K. D. Tönnies: Grundlagen der Bildverarbeitung; Pearson Studium, 2005.
W. Burger, M. J. Burge: Digital Image Processing - An Algorithmic Introduction Using Java, Springer-Verlag, 2010. J. Wendel: Integrierte Navigationssysteme; Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2007. R. Malaka, A. Butz H. Hußmann: Medieninformatik - Eine Einführung; Pearson Studium, 2009. R. Steinmetz: Multimedia-Technologie; Springer-Verlag, 3. Auflage, 2000.

Last offered -
Planned for -
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3310, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Elective Modul Media Studies
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
360 h
Class time:
120 h / 8 SWS
Self study:
240 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial, Seminar

inhalt medi 2510-a


goals medi 2510-a

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Schilling
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas MEINFM2510

Module Number

Module Title

Elective Module Media Science (Sport Science)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
360 h
Class time:
120 h / 8 SWS
Self study:
240 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

inhalt medi 2510-b


goals medi 2510-b

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Schilling
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas MEINFM2510

Module Number

Module Title

Programming in C/C++
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Acceptance of the programming project during the semester

Lecture type(s) Lecture

Introduction to C and C++, syntax and semantics of imperative and object-oriented language elements of C++, standard libraries, development environments, Development of own programs


Through exercises and a programming project, the students have learned to design and implement programmes independently. They know the syntax and semantics of the languages C and C++ and can use them.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1120 Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming
Lecturer Kohlbacher, Lensch
Literature / Other

Wird im Kurs zur Verfügung gestellt.

Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Bioinformatics
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

The module provides a first insight into bioinformatics. For this purpose, selected exciting topics of bioinformatics are briefly presented in the lecture. In perspective, it will be explained how the basic knowledge acquired in the first two years of bioinformatics studies can be applied. The topics cover the whole range of bioinformatics, but vary in order to be up-to-date. The topics will be
In order to deepen the topics, the students work on the topics in exercises and summarize them. A selection of possible topics is: 1. what is bioinformatics? 2. from DNA to database: sequencing, assembly, 3. Darwin's heirs: family trees on the genome level, 4. metagenomics -from a handful of soil, 5. molecular machines - protein structures and their function, 6. designer drugs - active substances from the computer, 7. Vaccination against cancer - bioinformatics in vaccine design, 8. Well connected keeps better: analysis of biological networks, 9. It's hip to chip - from microarrays to personalized medicine, 10. The language of proteins - evolution of conserved protein structures. The acquired knowledge is deepened in exercises carried out independently.


The students have an overview of the essential sub-areas of bioinformatics, such as sequencing, phylogeny, metagenomics and drug design and know the interrelationships of the sub-areas and can classify them in relation to each other. The students' interest in the basic courses is strengthened and the motivation for the specialist breadth of the study programme is conveyed.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer wechselnde Dozenten
Literature / Other


Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM, MDZINFM2510, MDZINFM3110

Module Number

Module Title

Foundations of Bioinformatics
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
270 h
Class time:
90 h / 6 SWS
Self study:
180 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

The lecture focuses on the fundamental algorithms of bioinformatics. In the accompanying exercises, the student will gain practical experience in the application of standard tools of bioinformatics to problems from the life sciences, but also practice writing their own computer programs. Great importance is attached to the fact that the acquired knowledge is deepened independently in accompanying exercises in small groups. This compulsory module is the basis for all further bioinformatics courses. Contents of the lecture are: pairwise alignment, multiple alignment, BLAST, phylogeny, Markov models, (genome) sequencing, machine learning, RNA secondary structure, protein secondary structure, protein tertiary structure.


The students know basic concepts and methods of bioinformatics as well as mathematical methods for modelling biological problems. By dealing with typical bioinformatics problems, the students are prepared to deal with the situations that arise in everyday professional life. They can recognise biological problems and describe, abstract and then solve them as bioinformatics problems.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1110 Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming,

INFM1120 Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming
Lecturer Nieselt
Literature / Other


Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM, INFM2510, MDZINFM, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Foundations of Bioinformatics (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

In the proseminar, selected topics of the lecture "Fundamentals of Bioinformatics" will be deepened and expanded. A lecture (approx. 30 minutes) on a topic is given and a written paper (approx. 8 pages) is prepared by the students.


Under guidance, the students learn to summarise, assess, classify, present in a scientifically correct manner and present basic algorithmic concepts and methods of bioinformatics on a manageable topic through systematic research. The students are able to communicate the given topic in an accessible as well as scientific manner both orally and in writing. They can lead a discussion on the content and actively participate in it.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Nieselt
Literature / Other

Ausgewählte Lehrbücher und Artikel

Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM1510, MDZINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Phylogeny and Evolution
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

This course provides a detailed introduction into phylogenetic analysis. Topics
include distance-based methods, parsimony methods, likelihood methods and
Bayesian inference. We also look at the concept of compatibility and some of
its generalizations, the latter leading to phylogenetic networks.


This module builds directly on the module Fundamentals of Bioinformatics and expands and complements it: A detailed and up-to-date overview of problems and methods in bioinformatics related to phylogeny is given. The students know the basics of this subject area. They can recognise and use phylogenetic methods in a meaningful way.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Huson
Literature / Other

Huson, Rupp and Scornavacca, Cambridge, 2010

Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2210, BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, MDZINFM2510, MDZINFM3110, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Sequence Analysis
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

Exam + exercise grade

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

The topics of this course are sequence assembly, sequence analysis and sequence comparison.
We look at the theoretical and algorithmic basis of different approaches.
We discuss widely used implementations and study applications.


This module provides the technical basics in the field of sequence analysis. A basic understanding of the most important approaches is conveyed. Students get to know the most common tools and practise their use.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Es wird ein Skript zur Vorlesung herausgegeben.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2210, BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, MDZINFM2510, MDZINFM3110, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Expressions Bioinformatics
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Examination, exercises are evaluated in order to obtain admission for the examination
(50% of all achievable points)

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

This module teaches the technical fundamentals of technologies for the analysis of expression data, both at the RNA and protein levels. The focus will be on the RNA level, but a substantive goal will be to identify which common analysis techniques are applicable to so-called abundance data, such as those generated by typical transcriptomics and proteomics experiments. Topics include algorithms for designing experiments, normalization procedures (from raw to primary to normalized data, dimensionality reduction using principal component analysis as well as multidimensional scaling (MDS), clustering procedures, visualization of abundance data, simple statistical procedures of hypothesis testing (parametric and nonparametric tests, multiple testing, ANOVA) for differential gene expression, and classification methods (LDA).


Methods and acquired skills of the various modules of the first two years of study (e.g. algorithms, statistical methods, programming skills) are applied to concrete questions of an important topic area of bioinformatics. The students analyse expression experiments and learn how to program the scripting language R. They understand the connections between the different aspects of what they have learned so far and can apply it to practical problems. They are able to actively grasp problems, critically discuss them and create solutions. This increases the student's methodological competence.

Prerequisite for participation BIOINFM2110 Foundations of Bioinformatics,

INF2021 (BIOINFM2021) Mathematics for Computer Science 4: Stochastics (Stochastics)
Lecturer Nieselt
Literature / Other

Ausführliches Skript und ausgewählte Lehrbücher und Artikel

Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2210, BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, MDZINFM2510, MDZINFM3110, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Protein Evolution and Engineering
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

The final grade is determined by the presentation, elaboration and participation in the discussions.

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

The proseminar covers basic as well as recent work on protein evolution and thus provides an overview of this current field of research. It deals with the origin of proteins, mechanisms of evolution, classification of protein folding and the influence of evolutionary concepts on the field of protein engineering.


Overview of the field of protein evolution and understanding of the application of evolutionary concepts to protein engineering. Improved English language competence. Improved presentation and discussion skills. Practice in writing a scientific paper.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Originalarbeiten und zusätzliche Materialien werden im Proseminar ausgegeben.

Last offered -
Planned for -
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Protein Evolution and Design
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

inhalt bio 3350


goals bio 3350

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other


Last offered -
Planned for -
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2210, MDZINFM3110

Module Number

Module Title

Computational Immunomics
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Exam, exercise performance can flow into the exam as bonus points

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

This lecture provides an introduction to the world of immunoinformatics. It deals with the application of informatics methods to solve immunological problems, such as the development of new vaccines. Core topics include introduction to immunology, machine learning methods, MHC-peptide binding prediction, antigen processing prediction, vaccine design, and systems immunology.


Understanding in dealing with immunological data. Transfer of methodological competences (machine learning) to concrete biological applications (immunology). Ability to develop and use own tools for immunoinformatics in a team. Project work strengthens teamwork and presentation skills.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Kohlbacher
Literature / Other

Vorlesungsfolien werden in der Vorlesung verteilt. Goldsby, Kindt, Osborne, Kuby: Immunology (5th ed.), Freeman, 2003; Murphy \& Weaver:
Janeway’s Immunobiology (9th ed.), Garland Science, 2016; Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman: The Elements of Statistical Learning Springer, 2001; Christianini, Shawe-Taylor: An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and other kernel-based learning methods, Cambridge U Press, 2000; Lund, Nielsen, Lundegaard, Kesmir, Buus: Immunological Bioinformatics, MIT Press, 2005

Last offered Sommersemester 2020
Planned for Sommersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2210, BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, MDZINFM2510, MDZINFM3110, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Computational Systems Biology
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

The final grade is determined by the presentation, elaboration and participation in the discussions.

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

The existing knowledge in systems bioinformatics is taken up here and deepened on concrete research-related issues. This includes methodological work in the field of omics data analysis (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics). The second major content block deals with the integration of these heterogeneous data in the context of biological networks. The reconstruction and simulation of such networks forms the content of the third part of the seminar.


Knowledge of the current state of research in the field of theoretical systems biology. Transfer of known algorithmic techniques to problems in data analysis and network biology. Improved English language competence. Improved presentation skills.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Originalarbeiten und zusätzliche Materialien werden im Proseminar ausgegeben.

Last offered -
Planned for -
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Systems Biology I
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

Oral examination (written exam if there are a large number of participants), exercise points can be included as a grade bonus in the exam assessment.

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Nowadays, genome sequences are available for numerous organisms. Based on these blueprints of life, we can now capture all components of biological systems, describe their interactions, and map them into networks to describe the interactions of all cellular processes. These networks form the basis for computer models whose simulation enables predictions of observable phenomena. This lecture introduces the fundamental concepts of systems biology. It is aimed equally at bachelor students of mathematics, computer science, bioinformatics, and biology since systems biology connects all of these disciplines and brings them together in their larger context. We learn how biological networks can be constructed and modeled. We will cover how the characteristic properties of these models can be determined and used to derive essential statements about system behavior up to the phenotype. Basic knowledge of linear algebra and biochemistry is a prerequisite for participation. By applying mathematical concepts to biological problems, this course prepares students for the irreversible trend of an ever-increasing proportion of mathematical and computational content in biology education.


Students acquire basic knowledge in the theory and application of systems biology:
- Introduction to the basic concepts of biological networks, emphasizing metabolic networks.
- Knowledge of the basic structure of systems biology models, biophysical and biochemical constraints, and implicit assumptions.
- Practical experience in building and analyzing systems biology models.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Dräger
Literature / Other

1. Bernhard Ø. Palsson. 2006. Systems Biology: Properties of Reconstructed Networks. Cambridge University Press, New York, ISBN 978-0521859035.
2. Bernhard Ø. Palsson. 2015. Systems Biology: Constraint-based Reconstruction and Analysis. Cambridge University Press, New York, ISBN 978-1107038851.
3. David S. Goodsell. 2009. The Machinery of Life. 2. Ausgabe, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-0387849249.
4. Jan Koolman und Klaus-Heinrich Roehm. Color Atlas of Biochemistry. 2. Ausgabe, Thieme, 2005.

Last offered Wintersemester 2021
Planned for Sommersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2210, MDZINFM3110

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Bioinformatics (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

The final grade is determined by the presentation, elaboration and participation in the discussions.

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Current research topics in bioinformatics will be covered


The students have learned about current topics in the field of bioinformatics.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Artikel zu aktuellen Themen der Bioinformatik

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM1510, MDZINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Bioinformatics
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

The contents are changing. Depending on the event, a fundamental chapter of bioinformatics is covered. After an introduction to this field, important topics are covered.


In this course, students receive an introduction to an area of bioinformatics. After completion, they have an overview and basic knowledge for the area covered and are able to write a bachelor thesis in this area.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other


Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2023
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2210, MDZINFM3110

Module Number

Module Title

Selected Topics in Systems Biology (Proseminar)
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and essay

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Systems biology is a joint project of diverse scientific disciplines with the aim of being able to draw conclusions about the expected phenotype from the totality of all the building blocks of life. To this end, computer models of the life forms under consideration are used, the simulation of which provides information about the diverse processes in living systems. This proseminar offers a broad insight into diverse areas of computational systems biology.

Selected topics will introduce fundamental techniques for modeling and simulation, including constraint-based modeling, kinetic modeling, the stochastic Gillespie algorithm, sampling techniques, and potential applications in biotechnology and health care.

Students will present and discuss recent publications in combination with the fundamentals of theories, methods, and algorithms behind them. Through discussions of selected publications, students will learn to use computational modeling as a tool and be able to incorporate experimental data into the models.

- Learn fundamental concepts in biological network modeling for an integrative approach to the study of living systems.
- Acquire skills in understanding the concepts of mathematical or computational models of biological systems and their analysis in the context of laboratory data sets.
- Familiarity with essential computational tools for constructing the models.
- Understanding of terminology used in systems biology publications.


Students acquire a broad overview of systems biology.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other

Herbert M. Sauro, Systems Biology: Introduction to Pathway Modeling. Ambrosius Publishing, 2018.
- Reinhart Heinrich und Stefan Schuster. The regulation of cellular systems. Springer, 2012.
- Reihaneh Mostolizadeh, Andreas Dräger und Neema Jamshidi. Insights into Dynamic Network States Using Metabolomic Data. In: Angelo D'Alessandro (Editor) High-Throughput Metabolomics. Methods in Molecular Biology, Band 1978, Kapitel, Seiten 243-258. Humana, New York, NY, 23. Mai 2019.
- Palsson, Bernhard Ø. Systems Biology: Properties of Reconstructed Networks. Cambridge University Press, 2007.
- Palsson, Bernhard Ø. Systems Biology: Constraint-based Reconstruction and Analysis. Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- Weitere Publikationen werden in der Veranstaltung ausgegeben.

Last offered unknown
Planned for currently not planned
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM1510, MDZINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Medical Informatics
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Typical occupational fields and fields of application for medical information scientists in health care institutions and the IT industry, general conditions of IT in health care, IT support of information logistics in hospitals, process modeling prior to the implementation of IT systems, core applications in medical information systems (examples from hospitals), important medical information and data structures, IT-relevant medical terminology and its use in medical documentation systems for the purpose of information retrieval. information systems (examples from hospitals), important medical information and data structures, IT-relevant medical terminology, classifications and their use in medical documentation systems for the purpose of information retrieval, special problems such as computer-aided communication in hospitals and data protection. Overview of selected special areas of IT in healthcare. / IT-related excursion to the university hospital.


The students know the most common areas of application of computer-aided procedures in health care institutions (especially hospitals). They also know important problems of IT for the support of the diagnostic-therapeutic process (using the example of a hospital) and also the approaches to solutions. They are familiar with the handling of particularly IT-relevant medical terminology and classifications.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Lautenbacher
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas MDZINFM

Module Number

Module Title

Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture

Descriptive Statistics Correlation, Linear Regression Probability, Diagnostics Distributions, Confidence Intervals Tests for Location Differences and Tests for Frequency Differences, Special Estimation Procedures, FTest, Analysis of Variance Clinical Trials, Relative Risk and Odds Ratio, Logistic Regression Survival: Kaplan-Meyer, Logrank Test, Relative Hazard, Cox Regression Comparison of Measurement Methods: Bland & Altman, Inter- Rater Agreement, Kappa Case Design.


The students have basic knowledge in probability theory and statistics. They are able to describe and analyse simple random phenomena mathematically. They can apply basic stochastic methods in computer science (e.g. medical informatics, bioinformatics).

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas MDZINFM

Module Number

Module Title

Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Introduction to communication networks; communication over modern IP networks; quality of service in IP networks; methods of multimedia communication in networks; computer and multimedia introduction to information and coding theory; compression methods for digital media; media-technical aspects of telemedical applications (image-assisted consultation and therapy services, teleradiology, telepathology, telesurgery).


The participants have gained an in-depth understanding of the problems of digital media and especially their transmission via networks. They know the most important compression methods for digital media and their respective areas of application. They can assess the multimedia capabilities of conventional networks and know about possibilities for improvement. They know most of today's relevant telemedical applications and can assess in special application situations whether the information technology prerequisites for their use are created.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Abele, Walter
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, MDZINFM, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Medical Visualization
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Medical image data, imaging techniques, properties of 2D and 3D scalar, vector and tensor data, basic visualization techniques, isosurfaces, rendering, transfer functions, volume rendering, particle tracking, Line integral convolution, Interactive visualization techniques.


The students know the basic procedures for visualising medical image data and know which algorithms exist for this and how they are applied.

Prerequisite for participation MEINFM3143 Image Processing
Lecturer Schilling
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas MDZINFM

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning for Bioinformaticians and Medical Informaticians
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

Oral or written exam depending on number of participants; 60% exercise points as pre-requisite; a limited amount of exercise points may count as bonus points in the exam.

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

This lecture provides an introduction into statistical machine learning with a
focus on practical application in biomedical data analysis. It comprises basic
methods for supervised (classification, regression) and unsupervised learning.
Topics include but are not limited to:
• Linear models for regression and classification
• Model selection & regularization
• Resampling methods: Cross validation & Bootstrap
• Decision trees
• Ensemble methods: Random Forest & Boosting
• Support vector machines
• Dimensionality reduction
• Clustering algorithms


The students are capable of explaining the most important terms, problems,
and algorithms in statistical machine learning. They are able to decide which
type of methods is promising for analyzing a particular biomedical data set and
to justify that decision by theoretical arguments and empirical studies.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Eggeling, Pfeifer
Literature / Other

Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani: An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R, Springer Texts in Statistics.

Further books will be announced in the first lecture.

Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2210, BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, MDZINFM2510, MDZINFM3110, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Ethics and Law in Medical Informatics
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Term Paper

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

The seminar deals with current ethical and legal aspects and issues relating to the use of media in the information society and in the context of the digital transformation. Typical topics are the responsible use of data (especially with regard to the increasing use of artificial intelligence in media informatics), digitalization, copyright, software law, social media, privacy / data protection (DSGVO), surveillance, media, technology and information ethics.


The students are familiar with important legal regulations affecting informatics and have dealt with current ethical and legal issues in media informatics.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Grothe, Walter
Literature / Other


Last offered Sommersemester 2021
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas MEINFM

Module Number

Module Title

Realtime- and On Demand-Media on the Internet
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the summer semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Test

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

inhalt INF3179


goals INF3179

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Abele, Walter
Literature / Other


Last offered Sommersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210, MEINFM3220

Module Number

Module Title

Natural Language Processing
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Presentation and Documentation

Lecture type(s) Proseminar

Selected topics from the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) such as word-sense disambiguation, parsing, text classification and generation.


The students have become familiar with selected topics from the field of NLP and are able to work out a topic on the basis of given and self-researched literature, to present and discuss it in front of the group and to present the essentials in an understandable and scientifically adequate way in a written elaboration.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Lichte
Literature / Other

wechselnd je nach Thema

Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas INFM1510, MEINFM1510

Module Number

Module Title

Information Theory
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

Regular exercises provided (with solutions afterwards), but no continuous assessment. --

A final written exam. This will be closed book, but you can take in one double sided A4 sheet of notes.

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

As the name indicates, this is a theory course, and is essentially mathematical, albeit heavily motivated by practical information processing problems. There will be no programming assignments. We will do some proofs (in lectures), in particular proving the source and channel coding theorems. Some exercises and exam questions will require you to make (simple) proofs. You will need to be able to do a range of mathematical calculations by hand.


The overall goal of the course is to present the basics of the theory of information. Concretely, this means the source and channel coding theorems which characterize how one can compress and transmit information. We will also meet some of the connections between information theory and machine learning. Depending on the pace I can run at, we might do some stuff on Kolmogorov complexity (information theory for finite sequences). You will learn about some practical compression schemes (Huffman and Arithmetic coding) and simple block codes for channel coding. You will meet some of the ideas of Bayesian inference. In doing all this you will learn some of the core notions of information theory including how to mathematically define information in the first place, entropy, relative entropy and the asymptotic equipartition property which is related to the law of large numbers, and which we will use to prove the key theorems of the course.

Prerequisite for participation INF2021 (BIOINFM2021) Mathematics for Computer Science 4: Stochastics (Stochastics)
Lecturer Williamson
Literature / Other

Text: David McKay, Information Theory, Inference and learning Algorithms. Freely available online at --

Pre-requisite : Probability theory – you need to know (elementary) probability theory. By “elementary” I do not mean having only an elementary understanding, but rather the style of probability theory usually learned by engineers – i.e. without the measure-theoretic machinery. If you have passed the course 'INF2021 Stochastik' you should be fine. If you have not done it, but reckon you know the material anyway, I provide a self-administered test to help you judge your degree of preparedness.

Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Linux
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written exam

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Course topics include a short general introduction to Linux, hardware and hard disk partitioning, working on the console, text processing, process management, working with file systems, rights management, documentation, administrative activities and installing software.


The students know the basic setup and structure of a Linux operating system. They are able to operate and administer such a system efficiently. Through the accompanying exercises, the students deepen the knowledge imparted in the lecture by applying it to concrete problems. Working independently promotes the students' personal responsibility and communication skills.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Dozenten/Arbeitsgruppenleiter, Kockler
Literature / Other

Steffen Wendzel, Johannes Plötner. Einstieg in Linux: Eine distributionsunabhängige Einführung. Galileo Press, 3. Auflage, 2007

Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Technical Computer Science 3: Hardware Lab Course Computer Engineering
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Each semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written Term Paper, Oral Exam

Lecture type(s) Practical Course




Prerequisite for participation INFM1310 Technical Computer Science 1: Digital Technology
Lecturer Bringmann
Literature / Other

Verwendbarkeit: Module aus dem technischen Bereich

Last offered Wintersemester 2022
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas INFM, MEINFM3210

Module Number

INF3222 (KOGM2310)
Module Title

Perception: Psychophysics and Modeling
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

Written exam

Lecture type(s) Lecture

In this lecture, students learn the central principles and the limits of visual and auditory perception as well as how to investigate them by means of psychophysical approaches. The following topics are covered:
- Visual perception: Optics of the eye; spatial vision; texture, materials and colours; object recognition and scene perception; visual attention and saliency.
- Auditory perception: Anatomy and function of the auditory system; auditory thresholds and loudness; spatial hearing and auditory scene analysis; frequency and pitch of complex auditory stimuli (speech, music).
- Psychophysics: How to study perception; levels of explanation; experimental design and signal detection theory, modern computational approaches.


Participants learn the central behavioural limits, concepts and psychophysical methods in selected topics of visual and auditory perception. In addition, they get to know some details of state-of-the-art computational models in these domains and their theoretical foundations.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Wichmann
Literature / Other


Last offered Wintersemester 2021
Planned for Wintersemester 2023
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Programming with Dependent Types
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German and English
Type of Exam

Grading of the course results

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

Type systems help programmers to ensure properties of programs across all executions of the program. The more expressive the type system, the more properties can be covered in this way. A particularly expressive class of type systems are those with dependent types. With these, the type of programs can depend on concrete runtime values. Programming in such programming languages requires theoretical knowledge and above all practical experience. Both are taught in this practical course.


Students know what constitutes a programming language with dependent types, what additional expressive power is available at the type level and can use it practically in concrete programs. They recognize which properties of the program can be ensured by dependent types and which sources of errors can be avoided. They also understand what additional effort is required to do this and can thus make an informed decision about using a programming language with dependent types.

Prerequisite for participation INFM1110 Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming
Lecturer Brachthäuser
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2023
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Graph Theory
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam

Written exam

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

This module deals with the basics of graph theory. Many problems, especially in algorithmics, can be traced back to graphs, which is why graph theory plays an important role in both mathematics and computer science. Students learn about topics such as planarity, colorability, matchings, factors and Hamilton circles.


The students know the most important foundations in graph theory and how to apply graph theoretical concepts in suitable contexts. They know basic terms such as planarity, subgraphs, factors and graph colorability. They are able to trace simple problems back to graphs and solve them independently.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Schlipf
Literature / Other

Wird in der 1. Sitzung bekannt gegeben. / Will be announced in the first session.

Last offered unknown
Planned for Sommersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3410, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Effective Programming with Effects
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

Grading of the practical project

Lecture type(s) Practical Course

The aim of this practical course is to get to know programming with algebraic effects and handlers. Effect systems support the development of correct software, effect handling enables a meaningful structuring of complex control flow. During the practical course, students program in the “Effect” research language developed at the chair. However, the concepts learned are universally applicable and can be used to structure programs regardless of the programming language used and thus serve, for example, as a mental model for common libraries such as “React” or “Pyro”.

The first part of the semester focuses on understanding the various aspects of algebraic effects and handlers through practical programming tasks. Students then choose a topic in consultation with the organizer and independently develop a software project in the second part of the semester, applying their acquired knowledge in realistic scenarios.

Important note:
Students who would like to take this practical course should have completed the following courses in advance:
- INFM1110 Praktische Informatik 1: Deklarative Programmierung
- INFM1120 Praktische Informatik 2: Imperative und objektorientierte Programmierung
- INFM2111 Praktische Informatik 3: Software Engineering


Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations and practical implications of effects and handlers. They will develop the ability to use these concepts effectively to design and implement software solutions. In addition, participants will improve their communication skills by formulating solutions and participating in discussions about the application and implications of effects and handlers.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Brachthäuser
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210

Module Number

Module Title

Biomedical Data Literacy
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction English
Type of Exam

Written exam

Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

Basics for the handling of biomedical research data. Introduction of other statistical data analysis (including statistical modeling, mixture models).

The course provides insights into clustering methods and basics from testing theory. Further, we will discuss principle component analysis, time series analysis using autoregressive models, as well as some insights to differential equation based modeling. We will discuss image data analysis and basic methods for supervised learning.


This course will provide you with essential skills to perform data science projects. You will be familiarized with the foundations to perform data-driven research.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Claassen, Nahnsen
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2210, BIOINFM2510, MDZINFM3110

Module Number

Module Title

Medical Terminology
Type of Module

Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency In the winter semester
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam


Lecture type(s) Lecture

This lecture is part of the compusory module "Medizinische Terminologie & Humanbiologie I" (MDZINM1310).

Linguistic background of medical terminology: Function of medical terminology as part of the general scientific language. Influences of modern foreign languages. Synonymy, eponymy, metonymy, declensions, orthography and common abbreviations; phonetics; grammar. Translating medical findings and texts.


After completing this lecture, the students know the foundations of medial terminology (linguistic structure, ortography, synonyms, influences of modern foreign languages); they understand medical terminology as a common ground (between the disciplines involved in medical informatics).

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Walter, wechselnde Dozenten
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas MDZINFM

Module Number

Module Title

Introduction to Clinical Neuroscience
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
90 h
Class time:
30 h / 2 SWS
Self study:
60 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam


Lecture type(s) Lecture

This cours can be recognized as part of the module "Wahlpflichtfach Biologie oder Medizin "(MZDINFM3510) in the B.Sc. Medical Informatics only.

Content of the course:
Stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease - although these are all diseases of the central nervous system, their symptoms are very different: Their symptoms depend on the localisation of the lesion in the brain or spinal cord. Furthermore, these diseases differ from each other in terms of their causes (aetiology), e.g. viral infection, circulatory disorder or autoimmune disease, and the transformation into a functional disorder (pathomechanism), such as nerve cell destruction, tissue destruction (infarction) or demyelination. Where are the starting points for therapy? Starting with brain anatomy, we will systematically discuss the most important neurological diseases in this course.


The students will learn how to classify diseases of the central nervous system. This enables them to link a particular disease to its localization in the brain, its aeteology, the underlying pathological mechanisms, its symptoms and how to treat it.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Bornemann
Literature / Other


Last offered unknown
Planned for Wintersemester 2024
Assigned Study Areas

Module Number

Module Title

Tabular Database Systems
Type of Module

Elective Compulsory
Work load
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
180 h
Class time:
60 h / 4 SWS
Self study:
120 h
Duration 1 Semester
Frequency Irregular
Language of instruction German
Type of Exam


Lecture type(s) Lecture, Tutorial

- Database systems for tabular data (relational database systems)
- The DuckDB database system in practice
- Tabular data storage outside (CSV + Parquet) and inside database systems (columnar storage + compression)
- Database systems and contemporary computer architecture
- Basics of SQL and query authoring
- Representing non-tabular data structure in tables
- Query execution and optimization
- Transactions and persistence


This lecture focusses on the basics of those database systems that are designed for the processing of tabular data (relational database systems). The students will understand how a tabular model allows for a representation of different types of data and, at the same timeThis course will focus on the fundamentals of database systems, in particular systems designed to process tabular data (relational database systems). Students will understabd how the tabular data model enables the representation of a variety of data structures while enabling efficient storage and query processing. We will discuss SQL as a modern and expressive query language over tables. Throughout the course, we will bank on the DuckDB database system. Students will get to know the extensive SQL dialect of DuckDB and will take a deep dive into selected internals of DuckDB. Participants will be able to assess the practical advantages (as well as deficits) of this database system.

Prerequisite for participation There are no specific prerequisites.
Lecturer Grust
Literature / Other

Hinweis: Die Unterrichtssprache ist deutsch; alle Materialien zu dieser Vorlesung sind auf Englisch.

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen - empfohlen (aber optional):
- Grundlegende Kenntnisse in Python
- Grundlegende Kenntnisse in C oder C++


Note: This lecture will be taught in German; the materials will be in English.

Prerequisites - recommended (but optional):
- Basic knowledge in Python
- Basic knowledge in C or C++

Last offered unknown
Planned for Sommersemester 2025
Assigned Study Areas BIOINFM2510, INFM2510, INFM3110, MDZINFM2510, MEINFM3210