Computer Science Bio Informatics Media Informatics Medical informatics
Module Title Lecture Type ECTS Module Number Lecturer
Mathematics for Computer Science 1: Analysis
L, T 9 INFM1010 Dorn, Eckstein
Mathematics for Computer Science 2: Linear Algebra
L, T 9 INFM1020 Dorn, Markwig
Practical Computer Science 1: Declarative Programming
L, T 9 INFM1110 Grust, Ostermann
Practical Computer Science 2: Imperative and Object-Oriented Programming
L, T 9 INFM1120 Brachthäuser, Pons-Moll
Practical Computer Science 3: Software Engineering
L, T 6 INFM2111 Brachthäuser, Ostermann
Technical Computer Science 1: Digital Technology
L, T 6 INFM1310 Bringmann, Zell
Mathematics for Computer Science 3: Advanced Topics
L, T 9 INFM2010 Dorn, Levina
Mathematics for Computer Science 4: Stochastics (Stochastics)
L, T 6 INF2021 (BIOINFM2021) Teufl
Mathematics for Computer Science 4: Numerics (Numerics)
L, T 6 INF2022 (MAT-95-41) wechselnde Dozenten
Practical Computer Science 4: Team Project
P 9 INFM2110 Brachthäuser
Technical Computer Science 2: Computer Science and Computing Systems Architecture
L, T 9 INFM2310 Menth
Technical Computer Science 2: Computer Science and Computing Systems Architecture (6 ECTS)
L, T 6 INF2311 Menth
Theoretical Computer Science 1: Algorithms and Data Structures (formerly Algorithms)
L 9 INFM2420 Kaufmann, Schlipf, von Luxburg
Theoretical Computer Science 2: Formal Languages, Computability, and Complexity Theory (formerly Theoretical Computer Science)
L, T 9 INFM2410 Hennig, von Luxburg
Introduction to Relational Database Systems (DB1)
L, T 9 INF3131 Grust
Selected Topics in Database Systems
L, T 6 INF3139 Grust
Computer Graphics
L, T 9 MEINFM3142 Lensch
Image Processing
L, T 6 MEINFM3143 Schilling
Image Processing (Practical Course)
P 6 INF3144 Schilling
Scientific Visualization
L, T 6 INF3145 Krone
Computer Games / Special Effects 1
P 6 INF3146 Lensch
Computer Games / Special Effects 2
P 6 INF3147 Lensch
Visual Computing
L, T 6 INF3148 Schilling
Selected Topics in Graphical Data Processing
L 6 INF3149 Lensch
Introduction to Machine Learning
L, T 6 INF3151 Martius
Basics of Machine Learning (Practical Course)
P 6 INF3152 Schilling
Graphics, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning
PS 3 INF3153 Lensch, Pons-Moll, Schilling
Introduction to Neural Networks
L, T 6 INF3154 Zell
Artificial Neural Networks
P 6 INF3155 Zell
Artificial Intelligence
L 6 INF3156 Zell
Selected Topics in Machine Learning
PS 3 INF3159 Alle Dozenten
Introduction to Human-Computer-Interaction
L, T 6 INF3163 Walter
User Experience (UX)
L, T 6 MEINFM3164 Krone
Introduction to Internet Technologies
L, T 6 MEINFM3171 Walter
Introduction to Web Development
L, T 6 INF3172 Walter
Digital Media Design
L, T 6 INF3173 Walter
Selected Topics in Web Development and Multimedia
L 6 INF3179 Walter
Programming Languages I
L, T 9 INF3181 Ostermann
Compiler Construction
L, T 9 INF3182 Alle Dozenten
Implementation of Programming Languages
P 6 INF3183 Brachthäuser
Selected Topics in Programming Languages and Compiler Construction
L 6 INF3189 Ostermann
Selected Topics in Practical Computer Science
L, T 6 INF3199 Ostermann
Software Design and Programming Techniques
L, T 6 INF3211 Ostermann
Functional Programming
L, T 6 INF3212 Grust
Programming Techniques
P 6 INF3213 Ostermann
Selected Topics in Software Engineering
L 6 INF3219 Ostermann
Computational Intelligence in Games
P 6 INF3221
Applied Statistics I
L, T 6 INF3223 Wannek
Virtual Reality and Simulation
P 6 INF3224 Butz
IT Service and Security Management
L 3 INF3333 Menth
L, T 6 INF3311
Chip-Design (Practical Course)
P 3 INF3312
Introduction to Multimedia Technology
L, T 6 MEINFM3321 Kuehne
Multimedia Technology
P 3 INF3322 Bringmann
Computer Networking and Internet
L, T 6 INF3331 Menth
Internet Lab
P 6 INF3332 Menth
Selected Topics in Communication Networks
L, T 3 INF3334 Menth
Special Chapters in Practical Computer Science
L 3 INF3339c Alle Dozenten, Plümicke
Introduction to Computer Architecture
L, T 6 INF3341 Bringmann
Introduction to Computer Architecture (Practical Course)
P 6 INF3342 Bringmann
Foundations of Robotics
L, T 6 INF3351 Zell
Selected Topics in Robotics
L 6 INF3359 Zell
Selected Topics in Technical Computer Science
L 6 INF3399 Alle Dozenten
Algorithmic Methods
L, T 6 INF3411 Kaufmann
Graphalgorithms and Applications
P 3 INF3412 Kaufmann
Algorithmic Geometry
L 6 INF3413 Schlipf
Complexity Theory
L 6 INF3421 Lange
Formal Languages
L 6 INF3441 Lange
Data Compression
L 6 INF3452 Lange
Selected Topics in Computer Security
L 3 INF3459
Mathematical Logic
L, T 6 INF3481 Piecha
Automatical Proofs - Introduction
L, T 6 INF3482
Introduction to Logic
L, T 6 INF3483 Piecha
Selected Topics in Symbolic Computing
L 3 INF3489a
Selected Advanced Topics in Symbolic Computing
L, T 6 INF3489b
Selected Topics in Theoretical Computer Science
L 6 INF3499
P 6 INF3521
Didactics of Technical Computer Science
PS 3 INF3615
Applications of Discrete Mathematics (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3651 Schlipf
Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
PS 3 INF3652
Efficient Algorithms (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3653 Kaufmann
Graph Theory (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3654 Schlipf, wechselnde Dozenten
Graphics and Image Processing
PS 3 INF3655 Lensch, Schilling
Machine Learning (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3657
Machine Learning in Bioinformatics (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3658
Mathematical Logic (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3659
Mobile Robots (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3660
Modern Evolutionary Optimization Techniques (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3661
Communication Networks (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3663
Selected Fun Problems of the ACM Programming Contest (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3664 Grust
Game Theory (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3665
Symbolic Computing (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3666
Modern Architectures of Embedded Systems (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3667 Bringmann
Proseminar: Scientific work in algorithmics
PS 3 INF3668 Kaufmann, Schlipf
Introduction to Database Systems (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3669
Technical Applications of Computer Science: Hardware and Software Development of Embedded Systems (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3671
Visual Computing (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3672
Topics in Programming Languages and Software Technology (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3674 Ostermann
Modularity (Proseminar)
PS 3 INF3675
Natural Language Processing: A Practical Introduction
L 3 INF3240 Lichte
Applications in Multimedia Technology
L, T 6 MEINF1101
Elective Modul Media Studies
L, T, S 12 MEINFM2510-A Schilling
Elective Module Media Science (Sport Science)
L 12 MEINFM2510-B Schilling
Programming in C/C++
L 6 INF3185 Kohlbacher, Lensch
Introduction to Bioinformatics
L, T 3 BIOINFM1110 wechselnde Dozenten
Foundations of Bioinformatics
L, T 9 BIOINFM2110 Nieselt
Foundations of Bioinformatics (Proseminar)
PS 3 BIOINF2111 Nieselt
Phylogeny and Evolution
L, T 6 BIOINF3310 Huson
Sequence Analysis
L, T 6 BIOINF3321
Expressions Bioinformatics
L, T 6 BIOINF3330 Nieselt
Protein Evolution and Engineering
Protein Evolution and Design
L 6 BIOINF3350
Computational Immunomics
L, T 6 BIOINF3360 Kohlbacher
Computational Systems Biology
Systems Biology I
L, T 6 BIOINF3371 Dräger
Selected Topics in Bioinformatics (Proseminar)
Selected Topics in Bioinformatics
L, T 6 BIOINF3399
Selected Topics in Systems Biology (Proseminar)
Introduction to Medical Informatics
L, T 6 MDZINFM1410 Lautenbacher
L 3 MDZINF2310
L, T 6 MDZINFM2430 (MDZINF2420) Abele, Walter
Medical Visualization
L, T 6 MDZINF3110 Schilling
Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning for Bioinformaticians and Medical Informaticians
L, T 6 MDZINF3310 Eggeling, Pfeifer
Ethics and Law in Medical Informatics
PS 3 MEINFM3000 Grothe, Walter
Realtime- and On Demand-Media on the Internet
L, T 6 INF3179 Abele, Walter
Natural Language Processing
PS 3 INF3241 Lichte
Information Theory
L, T 6 INF3460 Williamson
Introduction to Linux
L, T 3 INF3184 Kockler, Dozenten/Arbeitsgruppenleiter
Technical Computer Science 3: Hardware Lab Course Computer Engineering
P 6 INFM2320 Bringmann
Perception: Psychophysics and Modeling
L 6 INF3222 (KOGM2310) Wichmann
Programming with Dependent Types
P 6 INF3186 Brachthäuser
Graph Theory
L, T 6 INF3432 Schlipf
Effective Programming with Effects
P 6 INF3187 Brachthäuser
Biomedical Data Literacy
L, T 6 BIOINF3510 Claassen, Nahnsen
Medical Terminology
L 3 MDZINF1330 Walter, wechselnde Dozenten
Introduction to Clinical Neuroscience
L 3 MDZINF3511 Bornemann
Tabular Database Systems
L, T 6 INF3132 Grust

Module Number
Module Title
Type of Module
- Contact time
- Self study
Work load:
Class time:
h / SWS
Self study:
Language of instruction
Type of Exam
Lecture Type(s)
Prerequisite for participation
Last offered
Planned for
Assigned Study Areas