Nummer ML-4361 |
Titel Hands-on AI based 3D Vision |
Lehrform(en) Vorlesung, Übung |
ECTS | 6 | |
Arbeitsaufwand - Kontaktzeit - Selbststudium |
180 h Kontaktzeit:
60 h / 4 SWS Selbststudium:
120 h |
Veranstaltungsdauer | 1 Semester | |
Häufigkeit des Angebots | Unregelmäßig | |
Unterrichtssprache | Englisch | |
Prüfungsform | Oral/written depending on number of students |
Inhalt | The goal of this lecture is to learn the most recent AI 3D vision techniques for understanding and reconstructing the 3D world from videos and images. We will cover the fundamentals of multiple view geometry and quickly dive into the most recent methods covering Nerf, Gaussian Splats, 3D diffusion models and token based reconstruction methods. There will be practical assignments. In contrast to the computer vision lecture, which is of broader scope, the focus here will be on recent AI advances in the field of 3D computer vision. |
Qualifikationsziele | Understand the mathematical tools and 3D vision techniques, from the fundamentals to the most recent AI based techniques. Students should be able to apply the concepts in practice, develop and train models, reproduce research and conduct original research in this area. |
Vergabe von Leistungspunkten/Benotung |
Modulnote (%) |
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen | Es gibt keine besonderen Voraussetzungen. | |
Dozent/in | Pons-Moll | |
Literatur / Sonstiges | - |
Zuletzt angeboten | nicht bekannt | |
Geplant für | Sommersemester 2025 | |
Zugeordnete Studienbereiche | ML-DIV |